Daniel Gomez-Uchida
Daniel Gomez-Uchida
Professor at Dept Zoology, Fac Cs Nat y Oceanográficas, Universidad de Concepción
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Differential invasion success of salmonids in southern Chile: patterns and hypotheses
I Arismendi, BE Penaluna, JB Dunham, C García de Leaniz, D Soto, ...
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 24, 919-941, 2014
A comparison of population structure in black rockfish (Sebastes melanops) as determined with otolith microchemistry and microsatellite DNA
JA Miller, MA Banks, D Gomez-Uchida, AL Shanks
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62 (10), 2189-2198, 2005
Interaction of landscape and life history attributes on genetic diversity, neutral divergence and gene flow in a pristine community of salmonids
D GOMEZ‐UCHIDA, TW Knight, DE Ruzzante
Molecular Ecology 18 (23), 4854-4869, 2009
Single nucleotide polymorphisms unravel hierarchical divergence and signatures of selection among Alaskan sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) populations
D Gomez-Uchida, JE Seeb, MJ Smith, C Habicht, TP Quinn, LW Seeb
BMC Evolutionary Biology 11, 1-17, 2011
An integrated linkage map reveals candidate genes underlying adaptive variation in Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)
GJ McKinney, LW Seeb, WA Larson, D Gomez‐Uchida, MT Limborg, ...
Molecular ecology resources 16 (3), 769-783, 2016
Microsatellite markers for the heavily exploited canary (Sebastes pinniger) and other rockfish species
D Gomez‐Uchida, EA Hoffman, WR Ardren, MA Banks
Molecular Ecology Notes 3 (3), 387-389, 2003
Genetic divergence between sympatric Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus morphs in Gander Lake, Newfoundland: roles of migration, mutation and unequal effective …
D Gomez‐Uchida, KP Dunphy, MF O’connell, DE Ruzzante
Journal of Fish Biology 73 (8), 2040-2057, 2008
Contemporary effective population and metapopulation size (Ne and meta‐Ne): comparison among three salmonids inhabiting a fragmented system and differing …
D Gomez‐Uchida, FP Palstra, TW Knight, DE Ruzzante
Ecology and evolution 3 (3), 569-580, 2013
Whole genome re-sequencing reveals recent signatures of selection in three strains of farmed Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
MI Cádiz, ME Lopez, D Diaz-Dominguez, G Caceres, GM Yoshida, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 11514, 2020
Allozyme and AFLP Analyses of Genetic Population Structure in the Hairy Edible Crab Cancer Setosus from the Chilean Coast
D Gomez-Uchida, D Weetman, L Hauser, R Galleguillos, M Retamal
Journal of Crustacean Biology 23 (2), 486-494, 2003
Evaluating taxonomic homogenization of freshwater fish assemblages in Chile
PV Vargas, I Arismendi, D Gomez-Uchida
Revista chilena de historia natural 88, 1-10, 2015
Estimation of effective population size for the long-lived darkblotched rockfish Sebastes crameri
D Gomez-Uchida, MA Banks
Journal of Heredity 97 (6), 603-606, 2006
Microsatellite analyses of spatial genetic structure in darkblotched rockfish (S ebastes crameri): Is pooling samples safe?
D Gomez-Uchida, MA Banks
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62 (8), 1874-1886, 2005
Allele frequency stability in large, wild exploited populations over multiple generations: insights from Alaska sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka)
D Gomez-Uchida, JE Seeb, C Habicht, LW Seeb
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 69 (5), 916-929, 2012
Secondary contact and changes in coastal habitat availability influence the nonequilibrium population structure of a salmonid (Oncorhynchus keta)
EL Petrou, L Hauser, RS Waples, JE Seeb, WD Templin, ...
Molecular Ecology 22 (23), 5848-5860, 2013
Chile's salmon escape demands action
D Gomez-Uchida, M Sepúlveda, B Ernst, TA Contador, S Neira, C Harrod
Science 361 (6405), 857-858, 2018
Environmental risk assessment of non‐native salmonid escapes from net pens in the Chilean Patagonia
D Soto, I Arismendi, JA Olivos, CB Canales‐Aguirre, J Leon‐Muñoz, ...
Reviews in Aquaculture 15 (1), 198-219, 2023
Genetic signals of artificial and natural dispersal linked to colonization of South America by non‐native Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)
D Gomez‐Uchida, D Cañas‐Rojas, CM Riva‐Rossi, JE Ciancio, ...
Ecology and evolution 8 (12), 6192-6209, 2018
NEOTROPICAL FRESHWATER FISHES: A dataset of occurrence and abundance of freshwater fishes in the Neotropics
LH Tonella, R Ruaro, VS Daga, DAZ Garcia, OB Vitorino, ...
Ecology 104 (4), e3713, 2023
Southernmost distribution limit for endangered Peladillas (Aplochiton taeniatus) and non‐native coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) coexisting within the Cape …
A Maldonado‐Márquez, T Contador, J Rendoll‐Cárcamo, S Moore, ...
Journal of Fish Biology 96 (6), 1495-1500, 2020
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