Mariaconcetta Bilotta
Mariaconcetta Bilotta
Researcher in Digital Health
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Cited by
On the Realization of an Embedded Subtractor Module for the Control of Chemical Reaction Networks
C Cosentino, R Ambrosino, M Ariola, M Bilotta, A Pironti, F Amato
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2016
A body-weight-supported visual feedback system for gait recovering in stroke patients: A randomized controlled study
L Pignolo, G Basta, S Carozzo, MC Bilotta, MR Todaro, S Serra, ...
Gait & Posture 82, 287-293, 2020
Bioinformatics data models, representation and storage
M Bilotta, G Tradigo, P Veltri
Encyclopedia of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 1, 110-116, 2018
A novel splice variant of the protein tyrosine phosphatase PTPRJ that encodes for a soluble protein involved in angiogenesis
A Bilotta, V Dattilo, S D'Agostino, S Belviso, S Scalise, M Bilotta, E Gaudio, ...
Oncotarget, 2017
Predictive mathematical model of cardiac troponin release following acute myocardial infarction
A Procopio, M Bilotta, A Merola, F Amato, C Cosentino, S De Rosa, ...
2017 IEEE 14th International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control …, 2017
Retroactivity Analysis of a Chemical Reaction Network Module for the Subtraction of Molecular Fluxes
M Bilotta, C Cosentino, DG Bates, L Salerno, F Amato
37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2015
Zero-Retroactivity Subtraction Module for Embedded Feedback Control of Chemical Reaction Networks
M Bilotta, C Cosentino, A Merola, B Declan G, F Amato
6th IFAC Conference on Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering The …, 2016
A Synthetic Biology Approach to the Realization of Embedded Feedback Controllers for Chemical Reaction Networks
C Cosentino, M Bilotta, A Merola, F Amato
Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE), 2013 IEEE 13th International …, 2013
Healthing: a Prototype Web-Based Platform for the Monitoring of Chronic Patients and Predicting the Risk of Comorbidity
M Bilotta, M Perri, A Conte, M Cefalą, A D’Augello, S Porchia, S Corasaniti, ...
A Modular Approach to the Design of Embedded Controllers for Chemical Reaction Networks
C Cosentino, M Bilotta, SR Montefusco F, F Amato, DG Bates
Synthetic Biology: Engineering, Evolution & Design (SEED) Conference …, 2014
On a Zero-Retroactivity Subtraction Module for Embedded Molecular Feedback Controllers
M Bilotta, C Cosentino, A Merola, M Romano, F Amato
Proceedings of GNB 2016, 632-634, 2016
Un'innovativa metodica di analisi strumentale per la valutazione del tronco
C S, S S, C M G, B M, D G
XVII Congresso Nazionale della Societą Italiana di Riabilitazione …, 2017
Predictive mathematical model of cardiac troponin release following acute myocardial infarction
P A, B M, M A, D Rosa S, C C, S J, D Luca A, I C, A F, C C
14th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control (ICNSC …, 2017
A control-theoretical approach to the identification of a commitment switch in B lymphopoiesis cell fate determination
L Salerno, C Cosentino, G Morrone, M Bilotta, F Amato
37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2015
Progettazione di un modello basato sui grafi per la verifica ed il dimensionamento dei servizi di emergenza-urgenza
M Bilotta, L Salerno, S Scaramuzziono, B Flora
XV Convegno Nazionale AIIC, 2015, 2015
A Modular Approach to the Design of Embedded Controllers for Chemical Reaction Networks
BDG Cosentino C, Bilotta M, Montefusco F, Sawlekar R, Amato F
Synthetic Biology: Engineering, Evolution & Design (SEED) Conference 2014, 2014
The Design of Chemical Reaction Network Based Embedded Controllers: a Modular Approach
C Cosentino, M Bilotta, R Sawlekar, F Montefusco, F Amato, DG Bates
Synthetic Systems Biology Summer School (SSBSS), 2014, 2014
An Embedded Approach to the Design of Synthetic Controllers for Chemical Reaction Networks
C Cosentino, M Bilotta, A Merola, F Amato
Convegno Annuale dei Docenti e Ricercatori Italiani in Automatica (SIDRA), 2014, 2014
A Synthetic Proportional-Integral Controller for Chemical Reaction Networks
C Cosentino, M Bilotta, A Merola, A Francesco
IV Congresso Gruppo Nazionale Bioingegneria (GNB), 2014, 2014
The Design Of Embedded Controllers Based On Chemical Reaction Networks: A Modular Approach
C Cosentino, M Bilotta, R Sawlekar, F Montefusco, F Amato, DG Bates
Synthetic Biology and Control Workshop, Worcester College - University of …, 2014
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Articles 1–20