Chelsea E. Sleep
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Cited by
Vulnerable narcissism is (mostly) a disorder of neuroticism
JD Miller, DR Lynam, C Vize, M Crowe, C Sleep, JL Maples‐Keller, ...
Journal of personality 86 (2), 186-199, 2018
Using item response theory to develop a 60-item representation of the NEO PI–R using the International Personality Item Pool: Development of the IPIP–NEO–60
JL Maples-Keller, RL Williamson, CE Sleep, NT Carter, WK Campbell, ...
Journal of personality assessment 101 (1), 4-15, 2019
Perils of partialing redux: The case of the Dark Triad.
CE Sleep, DR Lynam, CS Hyatt, JD Miller
Journal of Abnormal Psychology 126 (7), 939, 2017
Examining the DSM–5 alternative personality disorder model operationalization of antisocial personality disorder and psychopathy in a male correctional sample.
DB Wygant, M Sellbom, CE Sleep, TD Wall, KC Applegate, RF Krueger, ...
Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment 7 (3), 229, 2016
An evaluation of DSM–5 Section III personality disorder Criterion A (impairment) in accounting for psychopathology.
CE Sleep, DR Lynam, TA Widiger, ML Crowe, JD Miller
Psychological Assessment 31 (10), 1181, 2019
An examination of the Triarchic Model of psychopathy's nomological network: A meta-analytic review
CE Sleep, B Weiss, DR Lynam, JD Miller
Clinical psychology review 71, 1-26, 2019
Narcissism and self-esteem: A nomological network analysis
CS Hyatt, CE Sleep, J Lamkin, JL Maples-Keller, C Sedikides, ...
PloS one 13 (8), e0201088, 2018
Ratings of affective and interpersonal tendencies differ for grandiose and vulnerable narcissism: A replication and extension of Gore and Widiger (2016)
CS Hyatt, CE Sleep, DR Lynam, TA Widiger, WK Campbell, JD Miller
Journal of personality 86 (3), 422-434, 2018
Examining the relations among the DSM–5 alternative model of personality, the five-factor model, and externalizing and internalizing behavior.
CE Sleep, CS Hyatt, J Lamkin, JL Maples-Keller, JD Miller
Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment 9 (4), 379, 2018
A comparison of the validity of very brief measures of the Big Five/Five-Factor Model of personality
CE Sleep, DR Lynam, JD Miller
Assessment 28 (3), 739-758, 2021
The DSM–5 section III personality disorder criterion a in relation to both pathological and general personality traits.
CE Sleep, B Weiss, DR Lynam, JD Miller
Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment 11 (3), 202, 2020
Personality disorder traits: Testing insight regarding presence of traits, impairment, and desire for change.
CE Sleep, J Lamkin, DR Lynam, WK Campbell, JD Miller
Personality disorders: Theory, research, and treatment 10 (2), 123, 2019
Personality disorder traits: Perceptions of likability, impairment, and ability to change as correlates and moderators of desired level.
JD Miller, CE Sleep, J Lamkin, C Vize, WK Campbell, DR Lynam
Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment 9 (5), 478, 2018
A test of the empirical profile and coherence of the DSM–5 psychopathy specifier.
JD Miller, J Lamkin, JL Maples-Keller, CE Sleep, DR Lynam
Psychological assessment 30 (7), 870, 2018
DSM-5 alternative model of personality disorder: Testing the trait perspective captured in Criterion B
JD Miller, C Sleep, DR Lynam
Current Opinion in Psychology 21, 50-54, 2018
Self-esteem and narcissism: An item response theory analysis of curvilinearity
ML Crowe, CE Sleep, NT Carter, WK Campbell, JD Miller
Personality and Individual Differences 128, 16-20, 2018
Narcissism and response validity: Do individuals with narcissistic features underreport psychopathology?
CE Sleep, M Sellbom, WK Campbell, JD Miller
Psychological assessment 29 (8), 1059, 2017
Psychopathic boldness: Narcissism, self-esteem, or something in between?
JD Miller, CE Sleep, ML Crowe, DR Lynam
Personality and Individual Differences 155, 109761, 2020
Difficulties with the conceptualization and assessment of Criterion A in the DSM–5 alternative model of personality disorder: A reply to Morey (2019).
CE Sleep, DR Lynam, TA Widiger, ML Crowe, JD Miller
American Psychological Association 31 (10), 1200, 2019
Fearless Dominance/Boldness is not strongly related to externalizing behaviors: An item response-based analysis
ML Crowe, BM Weiss, CE Sleep, AM Harris, NT Carter, DR Lynam, ...
Assessment 28 (2), 413-428, 2021
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Articles 1–20