Anna Domaradzka
Anna Domaradzka
Institute for Social Studies, University of Warsaw
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Urban Social Movements and the Right to the City: An Introduction to the Special Issue on Urban Mobilization
A Domaradzka
Voluntas, 2018
Research integrity: nine ways to move from talk to walk
N Mejlgaard, LM Bouter, G Gaskell, P Kavouras, N Allum, AK Bendtsen, ...
Nature 586 (7829), 358-360, 2020
Policy labs: the next frontier of policy design and evaluation?
K Olejniczak, S Borkowska-Waszak, A Domaradzka-Widła, Y Park
Policy & Politics 48 (1), 89-110, 2020
Game of the city re-negotiated: The Polish urban re-generation movement as an emerging actor in a strategic action field
A Domaradzka, F Wijkström
Polish Sociological Review 195 (3), 291-308, 2016
Leadership and management of associations
DH Smith, DH Smith, DH Smith, DH Smith, DH Smith, RA Stebbins, ...
The Palgrave handbook of volunteering, civic participation, and nonprofit …, 2016
Panem et Circenses? Sport Organizations in Poland from Historical and Political Perspectives
A Domaradzka
Third Sector Organizations Facing Turbulent Environments: Sports, Culture …, 2010
The un-equal playground: Developers and urban activists struggling for the right to the city
A Domaradzka
Geoforum 134, 178-186, 2022
Polskie ministerstwa jako organizacje uczące się
K Olejniczak, A Domaradzka, A Krzewski, B Ledzion, Ł Widła
Raporty i analizy EUROREG 4, 2010, 2010
Urban challengers weaving their networks: between the ‘right to housing’and the ‘right to the city’
A Domaradzka, F Wijkström
Housing Studies 34 (10), 1612-1634, 2019
Changing the rules of the game: Impact of the urban movement on public administration practices
A Domaradzka
Civil society and innovative public administration, 188-217, 2015
Intrinsic value and perceived essentialism of culture heritage sites as tools for planning interventions
M Roszczynska-Kurasinska, A Domaradzka, A Wnuk, T Oleksy
Sustainability 13 (9), 5078, 2021
Klucze do miasta. Ruch miejski jako nowy aktor w polu polityki miejskiej
A Domaradzka-Widła
Leveling the playfield: Urban movement in the strategic action field of urban policy in Poland
A Domaradzka
City unsilenced, 106-118, 2017
Filling the Gaps? The Role of Civil Society on the Individual Level: The Case of Polish Women’s Organizations
A Domaradzka
A panacea for all seasons?: civil society and governance in Europe, 287-303, 2010
The welfare state in Poland: transformation with difficulties
R Siemienska, A Domaradzka
Raport o stanie sektora małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw w Polsce
P Chaber, J Łapiński, M Nieć, J Orłowska, R Zakrzewski, ...
Polska Agencja Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości, 2018
Kobiecy trzeci sektor
A Domaradzka
Polska dla kobiet. 20 lat transformacji 1989-2009, 335-340, 2009
Transformation mit Schwierigkeiten: das polnische Wohlfahrtssystem
R Siemieńska, A Domaradzka
Europäische Wohlfahrtssysteme: Ein Handbuch, 503-524, 2008
Scenariusze polityki ludnościowej dla Polski: badanie eksperckie Delphi
I Kotowska, A Matysiak, A Domaradzka
Szkola Glowna Handlowa, 2005
Local welfare in Poland from a historical and institutional perspective
R Siemieńska, A Domaradzka, I Matysiak
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