Justin L. Matthews
Justin L. Matthews
Associate Professor -- Cal State Monterey Bay
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Understanding the link between spatial distance and social distance
JL Matthews, T Matlock
Social Psychology 42 (3), 185-192, 2011
Hidden sexism: Facial prominence and its connections to gender and occupational status in popular print media
JL Matthews
Sex Roles 57 (7), 515-525, 2007
Cognition and belief in paranormal phenomena: Gestalt/feature-intensive processing theory and tendencies toward ADHD, depression, and dissociation
MJ Sharps, J Matthews, J Asten
The Journal of Psychology 140 (6), 579-590, 2006
Smashing new results on aspectual framing
T Matlock, D Sparks, JL Matthews, J Hunter, S Huette
Theory and Data in Cognitive Linguistics 67, 239, 2014
Smashing new results on aspectual framing: How people talk about car accidents
T Matlock, D Sparks, JL Matthews, J Hunter, S Huette
Studies in Language 36 (3), 699-720, 2012
Framing the past: How virtual experience affects bodily description of artefacts
PDG Di Franco, JL Matthews, T Matlock
Journal of Cultural Heritage 17, 179-187, 2016
Developing an instrument to measure physical activity related self-worth in women: Rasch analysis of the Women's Physical Activity Self-Worth Inventory (WPASWI)
J Huberty, J Vener, Y Gao, JL Matthews, L Ransdell, S Elavsky
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 14 (1), 111-121, 2012
Comparing 2D pictures with 3D replicas for the digital preservation and analysis of tangible heritage
F Galeazzi, PDGD Franco, JL Matthews
Museum Management and Curatorship, 2015
Cognition at risk: Gestalt/feature-intensive processing and cigarette smoking in college students
MJ Sharps, AB Villegas, J Matthews
Current Psychology 24 (2), 102-112, 2005
Modeling gaze behavior for virtual demonstrators
Y Huang, JL Matthews, T Matlock, M Kallmann
Intelligent Virtual Agents, 155-161, 2011
The spatial and temporal underpinnings of social distance
JL Matthews, T Matlock
Spatial Cognition VII, 19-31, 2010
Gesture variants and cognitive constraints for interactive virtual reality training systems
S Huette, Y Huang, M Kallmann, T Matlock, JL Matthews
Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Intelligent user …, 2011
Effects of social information on distance estimation
JL Matthews, T Matlock
The 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2008
How spatial is social distance?
JL Matthews, T Matlock
The 29th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2007
The influence of short-term quercetin supplementation on peak oxygen uptake during simulated altitude exposure in trained cyclists
JA Carlstron, JM Vener, JL Matthews, A Raub
International Journal of Exercise Science 8 (4), 394-402, 2015
Taking Someone Else's Perspective: When Body" Position" is More Important than Body" Presence".
MD Greenwood, JL Matthews, MJ Spivey, T Matlock
CogSci, 2013
Looking at the social dynamics of viewpoint
MD Greenwood, JL Matthews, T Matlock, MJ Spivey
The 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 169, 2011
Employers and employees: How narrative perspective influences agent placement in a simulated work environment
JL Matthews, T Matlock
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2258, 2011
How agent placement influences perceived boss/co-worker agreement in a simulated work environment
JL Matthews, T Matlock
The 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 101, 2010
Bridging the Gap Between Spatial and Social Reasoning: A Look at Social Distance and Estimated Caloric Expenditure
JL Matthews, T Matlock
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 36 (36), 2014
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