Anne E. Urai
Anne E. Urai
Assistant Professor at Cognitive Psychology, Leiden University, The Netherlands
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Pupil-linked arousal is driven by decision uncertainty and alters serial choice bias
AE Urai, A Braun, TH Donner
Nature Communications 8, 14637, 2017
Large-scale neural recordings call for new insights to link brain and behavior
AE Urai, B Doiron, AM Leifer, AK Churchland
Nature Neuroscience 25, 11-19, 2022
Choice history biases subsequent evidence accumulation
AE Urai, JW De Gee, K Tsetsos, TH Donner
eLife 8, e46331, 2019
Confirmation bias through selective overweighting of choice-consistent evidence
BC Talluri*, AE Urai*, K Tsetsos, M Usher, TH Donner
Current Biology 28 (19), 3128-3135. e8, 2018
Adaptive History Biases Result from Confidence-weighted Accumulation of Past Choices
A Braun, AE Urai, TH Donner
Journal of Neuroscience 38 (10), 2418-2429, 2018
Mice alternate between discrete strategies during perceptual decision-making
ZC Ashwood, NA Roy, IR Stone, AE Urai, AK Churchland, A Pouget, ...
Nature Neuroscience, 1-12, 2022
Standardized and reproducible measurement of decision-making in mice
International Brain Laboratory, V Aguillon-Rodriguez, DE Angelaki, ...
eLife 10, e63711, 2021
Pupil-linked phasic arousal predicts a reduction of choice bias across species and decision domains
JW de Gee, K Tsetsos, L Schwabe, AE Urai, D McCormick, MJ McGinley, ...
eLife 9, e54014, 2020
Reinforcement biases subsequent perceptual decisions when confidence is low, a widespread behavioral phenomenon
A Lak, E Hueske, J Hirokawa, P Masset, T Ott, AE Urai, TH Donner, ...
eLife 9, e49834, 2020
Task-evoked pupil responses reflect internal belief states
O Colizoli, JW de Gee, AE Urai, TH Donner
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 15904, 2018
Harnessing behavioral diversity to understand neural computations for cognition
S Musall*, AE Urai*, D Sussillo, AK Churchland
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 58, 229-238, 2019
Rethinking academia in a time of climate crisis
AE Urai, C Kelly
eLife 12, e84991, 2023
Conscious Vision Proceeds from Global to Local Content in Goal-Directed Tasks and Spontaneous Vision
F Campana, I Rebollo, AE Urai, V Wyart, C Tallon-Baudry
Journal of Neuroscience 36 (19), 5200-5213, 2016
How can neuroscientists respond to the climate emergency?
AR Aron, RB Ivry, KJ Jeffery, RA Poldrack, R Schmidt, C Summerfield, ...
Neuron 106 (1), 17-20, 2020
Climate crisis and ecological emergency: why they concern (neuro) scientists, and what we can do
CL Rae, M Farley, KJ Jeffery, AE Urai
Brain and Neuroscience Advances 6, 1-11, 2022
Partitioning variability in animal behavioral videos using semi-supervised variational autoencoders
MR Whiteway, D Biderman, Y Friedman, M Dipoppa, EK Buchanan, A Wu, ...
PLoS computational biology 17 (9), e1009439, 2021
Citric acid water as an alternative to water restriction for high-yield mouse behavior
AE Urai, V Aguillon-Rodriguez, IC Laranjeira, F Cazettes, ...
eNeuro 8 (1), 2021
Persistent activity in human parietal cortex mediates perceptual choice repetition bias
AE Urai, TH Donner
Nature Communications 13 (1), 1-15, 2022
Reading memory formation from the eyes
A Bergt*, AE Urai*, TH Donner, L Schwabe
European Journal of Neuroscience 47 (12), 1525-1533, 2018
An action-independent signature of perceptual choice in the human brain
AE Urai, T Pfeffer
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (15), 5081-5082, 2014
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