Robert L. Phillips
Robert L. Phillips
American Board of Family Medicine
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Projecting US primary care physician workforce needs: 2010-2025
SM Petterson, WR Liaw, RL Phillips, DL Rabin, DS Meyers, ...
The Annals of Family Medicine 10 (6), 503-509, 2012
Association of primary care physician supply with population mortality in the United States, 2005-2015
S Basu, SA Berkowitz, RL Phillips, A Bitton, BE Landon, RS Phillips
JAMA internal medicine 179 (4), 506-514, 2019
Measures of social deprivation that predict health care access and need within a rational area of primary care service delivery
DC Butler, S Petterson, RL Phillips, AW Bazemore
Health services research 48 (2pt1), 539-559, 2013
Receipt of preventive care among adults: insurance status and usual source of care
JE DeVoe, GE Fryer, R Phillips, L Green
American journal of public health 93 (5), 786-791, 2003
A preliminary taxonomy of medical errors in family practice
SM Dovey, DS Meyers, RL Phillips, LA Green, GE Fryer, JM Galliher, ...
BMJ Quality & Safety 11 (3), 233-238, 2002
Implementing High Quality Primary Care
M National Academies of Sciences, Engineering
Giving everyone the health of the educated: an examination of whether social change would save more lives than medical advances
SH Woolf, RE Johnson, RL Phillips Jr, M Philipsen
American journal of public health 97 (4), 679-683, 2007
A string of mistakes: the importance of cascade analysis in describing, counting, and preventing medical errors
SH Woolf, AJ Kuzel, SM Dovey, RL Phillips
The Annals of Family Medicine 2 (4), 317-326, 2004
Patients’ beliefs about racism, preferences for physician race, and satisfaction with care
FM Chen, GE Fryer, RL Phillips, E Wilson, DE Pathman
The Annals of Family Medicine 3 (2), 138-143, 2005
Learning from malpractice claims about negligent, adverse events in primary care in the United States
RL Phillips, LA Bartholomew, SM Dovey, GE Fryer, TJ Miyoshi, LA Green
BMJ Quality & Safety 13 (2), 121-126, 2004
Does career dissatisfaction affect the ability of family physicians to deliver high-quality patient care?
J DeVoe, GE Fryer Jr, L Hargraves, RL Phillips, LA Green
Journal of Family practice 51 (3), 2002
Spending patterns in region of residency training and subsequent expenditures for care provided by practicing physicians for Medicare beneficiaries
C Chen, S Petterson, R Phillips, A Bazemore, F Mullan
Jama 312 (22), 2385-2393, 2014
Higher primary care physician continuity is associated with lower costs and hospitalizations
A Bazemore, S Petterson, LE Peterson, R Bruno, Y Chung, RL Phillips
The Annals of Family Medicine 16 (6), 492-497, 2018
More comprehensive care among family physicians is associated with lower costs and fewer hospitalizations
A Bazemore, S Petterson, LE Peterson, RL Phillips
The Annals of Family Medicine 13 (3), 206-213, 2015
Primary care and why it matters for US health system reform
RL Phillips Jr, AW Bazemore
Health Affairs 29 (5), 806-810, 2010
“Community vital signs” : incorporating geocoded social determinants into electronic records to promote patient and population health
AW Bazemore, EK Cottrell, R Gold, LS Hughes, RL Phillips, H Angier, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 23 (2), 407-412, 2016
Testing process errors and their harms and consequences reported from family medicine practices: a study of the American Academy of Family Physicians National Research Network
J Hickner, DG Graham, NC Elder, E Brandt, CB Emsermann, S Dovey, ...
BMJ Quality & Safety 17 (3), 194-200, 2008
Specialty and Geographic Distribution of the Physician Workforce--What Influences Medical Student and Resident Choices?
RG Center, A Bazemore, K Bennett, MS Dodoo, C Legagneur, ...
Robert Graham Center, 2009
The rise of electronic health record adoption among family physicians
IM Xierali, CJ Hsiao, JC Puffer, LA Green, JCB Rinaldo, AW Bazemore, ...
The Annals of Family Medicine 11 (1), 14-19, 2013
COVID-19 and primary care in six countries
P Huston, J Campbell, G Russell, F Goodyear-Smith, RL Phillips, ...
BJGP open 4 (4), 2020
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