Massimo Bongiorno
Massimo Bongiorno
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Input-admittance calculation and shaping for controlled voltage-source converters
L Harnefors, M Bongiorno, S Lundberg
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 54 (6), 3323-3334, 2007
Practical implementation of delayed signal cancellation method for phase-sequence separation
J Svensson, M Bongiorno, A Sannino
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 22 (1), 18-26, 2006
Frequency-domain passivity-based current controller design
L Harnefors, L Zhang, M Bongiorno
IET Power Electronics 1 (4), 455-465, 2008
Modeling and analysis of VSC-based HVDC systems for DC network stability studies
G Pinares, M Bongiorno
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 31 (2), 848-856, 2015
Investigation of negative-sequence injection capability of cascaded H-bridge converters in star and delta configuration
E Behrouzian, M Bongiorno
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 32 (2), 1675-1683, 2016
Model of photovoltaic power plants for performance analysis and production forecast
F Bizzarri, M Bongiorno, A Brambilla, G Gruosso, GS Gajani
IEEE transactions on sustainable energy 4 (2), 278-285, 2012
An adaptive power oscillation damping controller by STATCOM with energy storage
M Beza, M Bongiorno
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 30 (1), 484-493, 2014
On control of static synchronous series compensator for SSR mitigation
M Bongiorno, J Svensson, L Angquist
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 23 (2), 735-743, 2008
Impedance analysis of modular multi-level converters connected to weak AC grids
J Khazaei, M Beza, M Bongiorno
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33 (4), 4015-4025, 2017
A novel control strategy for subsynchronous resonance mitigation using SSSC
M Bongiorno, L Angquist, J Svensson
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 23 (2), 1033-1041, 2008
Single-phase VSC based SSSC for subsynchronous resonance damping
M Bongiorno, J Svensson, L Angquist
IEEE transactions on power delivery 23 (3), 1544-1552, 2008
A generic DFIG model for voltage dip ride-through analysis
M Bongiorno, T Thiringer
IEEE Transactions On energy conversion 28 (1), 76-85, 2013
A comprehensive technoeconomic solution for demand control in ports: Energy storage systems integration
M Kermani, E Shirdare, G Parise, M Bongiorno, L Martirano
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 58 (2), 1592-1601, 2022
Impact of switching harmonics on capacitor cells balancing in phase-shifted PWM-based cascaded H-bridge STATCOM
E Behrouzian, M Bongiorno, R Teodorescu
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 32 (1), 815-824, 2016
Effect of sampling frequency and harmonics on delay-based phase-sequence estimation method
M Bongiorno, J Svensson, A Sannino
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 23 (3), 1664-1672, 2008
Battery loss and stress mitigation in a cascaded h-bridge multilevel inverter for vehicle traction applications by filter capacitors
A Kersten, O Theliander, EA Grunditz, T Thiringer, M Bongiorno
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification 5 (3), 659-671, 2019
Stability analysis of two-terminal VSC-HVDC systems using the net-damping criterion
G Stamatiou, M Bongiorno
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 31 (4), 1748-1756, 2016
Voltage dip mitigation using shunt-connected voltage source converter
M Bongiomo, J Svensson
2006 37th IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 1-7, 2006
Input admittance expressions for field-oriented controlled salient PMSM drives
O Wallmark, S Lundberg, M Bongiorno
IEEE transactions on power electronics 27 (3), 1514-1520, 2011
Application of recursive least squares algorithm with variable forgetting factor for frequency component estimation in a generic input signal
M Beza, M Bongiorno
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 50 (2), 1168-1176, 2013
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