Rosa Cabecinhas
Rosa Cabecinhas
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Differences between tight and loose cultures: A 33-nation study
MJ Gelfand, JL Raver, L Nishii, LM Leslie, J Lun, BC Lim, L Duan, ...
Science 332 (6033), 1100, 2011
Culture, Emotion Regulation, and Adjustment.
D Matsumoto, SH Yoo, S Nakagawa, J Alexandre, J Altarriba, ...
Journal Personality and Social Psychology 94 (6), 925-937, 2008
Mapping Expressive Differences Around the World The Relationship Between Emotional Display Rules and Individualism Versus Collectivism
D Matsumoto, SH Yoo, J Fontaine, AM Anguas-Wong, M Arriola, B Ataca, ...
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 39 (1), 55-74, 2008
Culture-level dimensions of social axioms and their correlates across 41 cultures
MH Bond, K Leung, A Au, KK Tong, SR De Carrasquel, F Murakami, ...
Journal of cross-cultural psychology 35 (5), 548-570, 2004
Representações sociais, relações intergrupais e cognição social
R Cabecinhas
Paidéia 14 (28), 125-137, 2004
Representing World History in the 21st Century
JH Liu, D Paez, P Slawuta, R Cabecinhas, E Techio, D Kokdemir, R Sen, ...
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 40 (4), 667-692, 2009
Preto e branco: a naturalização da discriminação racial
R Cabecinhas
Campo das Letras, 2007
“Remembering” World War II and willingness to fight: Sociocultural factors in the social representation of historical warfare across 22 societies
D Paez, JH Liu, E Techio, P Slawuta, A Zlobina, R Cabecinhas
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 39 (4), 373-380, 2008
Racismo e etnicidade em Portugal: Uma análise psicossociológica da homogeneização das minorias
R Cabecinhas
Tese de Doutoramento em Psicossociologia da Comunicação. Braga: Universidade …, 2002
Collective memories of Portuguese colonial action in Africa: Representations of the colonial past among Mozambicans and Portuguese youths
R Cabecinhas, J Feijó
International Journal of Conflict and Violence (IJCV) 4 (1), 28-44, 2010
Cross-Cultural Dimensions of Meaning in the Evaluation of Events in World History? Perceptions of Historical Calamities and Progress in Cross-Cultural Data From Thirty Societies
JH Liu, D Paez, K Hanke, A Rosa, DJ Hilton, CG Sibley, R Cabecinhas, ...
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 43 (2), 251-272, 2012
Investigar representações sociais: metodologias e níveis de análise
R Cabecinhas
Ver o Verso, 2009
Processos cognitivos, cultura e estereótipos sociais
R Cabecinhas
Actas do II Congresso Ibérico de Ciências da Comunicação 4, 539-49, 2004
Identidades nacionais e memória social: hegemonia e polémica nas representações sociais da história
R Cabecinhas, M Lima, AM Chaves
Celta, 2006
Colonialismo, identidade nacional e representações do “negro”
R Cabecinhas, L Cunha
Estudos do Século XX, 2003
"Heroes" and "Villains" of World History across Cultures.
K Hanke, JH Liu, CG Sibley, D Paez, SO Gaines Jr, G Moloney, CH Leong, ...
PloS one 10 (2), e0115641-e0115641, 2015
Media uses and social representations of climate change
R Cabecinhas, A Lázaro, A Carvalho
Communicating climate change: Discourses, mediations and perceptions, 170-189, 2008
Hypocrisy or maturity? Culture and context differentiation
D Matsumoto, SH Yoo, J Fontaine, J Alexandre, J Altarriba, ...
European Journal of Personality 23 (3), 251-264, 2009
Media, etnocentrismo e estereótipos sociais
R Cabecinhas
Vega, 2002
Comunicação da ciência: perspectivas e desafios
A Carvalho, R Cabecinhas
Comunicação e Sociedade 6, 5-10, 2004
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Artículos 1–20