Alan Mir (Seyed Mostafa Mirhedayatian)
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Cited by
A new fuzzy DEA model for evaluation of efficiency and effectiveness of suppliers in sustainable supply chain management context
M Azadi, M Jafarian, RF Saen, SM Mirhedayatian
Computers & operations research 54, 274-285, 2015
A novel network data envelopment analysis model for evaluating green supply chain management
SM Mirhedayatian, M Azadi, RF Saen
International Journal of Production Economics 147, 544-554, 2014
A novel hybrid social media platform selection model using fuzzy ANP and COPRAS-G
M Tavana, E Momeni, N Rezaeiniya, SM Mirhedayatian, H Rezaeiniya
Expert Systems with Applications 40 (14), 5694-5702, 2013
A new network epsilon-based DEA model for supply chain performance evaluation
M Tavana, H Mirzagoltabar, SM Mirhedayatian, RF Saen, M Azadi
Computers & Industrial Engineering 66 (2), 501-513, 2013
Welding process selection for repairing nodular cast iron engine block by integrated fuzzy data envelopment analysis and TOPSIS approaches
SM Mirhedayatian, SE Vahdat, MJ Jelodar, RF Saen
Materials & Design 43, 272-282, 2013
A framework to evaluate policy options for supporting electric vehicles in urban freight transport
SM Mirhedayatian, S Yan
Transportation research part D: transport and environment 58, 22-38, 2018
A two-echelon location-routing problem with synchronisation
SM Mirhedayatian, TG Crainic, M Guajardo, SW Wallace
Journal of the Operational Research Society 72 (1), 145-160, 2019
A new fuzzy network slacks-based DEA model for evaluating performance of supply chains with reverse logistics
E Momeni, M Tavana, H Mirzagoltabar, SM Mirhedayatian
Journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems 27 (2), 793-804, 2014
A new approach for weight derivation using data envelopment analysis in the analytic hierarchy process
SM Mirhedayatian, R Farzipoor Saen
Journal of the Operational Research Society 62 (8), 1585-1595, 2011
A new approach for prioritization in fuzzy AHP with an application for selecting the best tunnel ventilation system
M Mirhedayatian, MJ Jelodar, S Adnani, M Akbarnejad, RF Saen
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 68, 2589-2599, 2013
Green supplier selection: a novel fuzzy double frontier data envelopment analysis model to deal with undesirable outputs and dual-role factors
M Azadi, SM Mirhedayatian, RF Saen, M Hatamzad, E Momeni
International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 25 (2), 160-181, 2017
A new fuzzy goal directed benchmarking for supplier selection
M Azadi, SM Mirhedayatian, RF Saen
International Journal of Services and Operations Management 14 (3), 321-335, 2013
A multi-objective slack based measure of efficiency model for weight derivation in the analytic hierarchy process
SM Mirhedayatian, M Jafarian, RF Saen
Journal of Applied Sciences 11 (19), 3338-3350, 2011
A novel fuzzy data envelopment analysis for measuring corporate sustainability performance
M Azadi, M Jafarian, SM Mirhedayatian, RF Saen
International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management 16 (3), 312-324, 2015
Contributions to rich vehicle routing problems
S Mostafa Mirhedayatin
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Articles 1–15