Sergei M. Butorin
Sergei M. Butorin
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One‐Dimensional Quantum‐Confinement Effect in α‐Fe2O3 Ultrafine Nanorod Arrays
L Vayssieres, C Sathe, SM Butorin, DK Shuh, J Nordgren, J Guo
Advanced Materials 17 (19), 2320-2323, 2005
Chemical state of complex uranium oxides
KO Kvashnina, SM Butorin, P Martin, P Glatzel
Physical review letters 111 (25), 253002, 2013
Low-energy d-d excitations in MnO studied by resonant x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy
SM Butorin, JH Guo, M Magnuson, P Kuiper, J Nordgren
Physical Review B 54 (7), 4405, 1996
Beamline I511 at MAX II, capabilities and performance
R Denecke, P Väterlein, M Bässler, N Wassdahl, S Butorin, A Nilsson, ...
Journal of electron spectroscopy and related phenomena 101, 971-977, 1999
Resonant x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy of correlated systems: A probe of charge-transfer excitations
SM Butorin, DC Mancini, JH Guo, N Wassdahl, J Nordgren, M Nakazawa, ...
Physical review letters 77 (3), 574, 1996
The INE-Beamline for actinide science at ANKA
J Rothe, S Butorin, K Dardenne, MA Denecke, B Kienzler, M Löble, ...
Review of scientific instruments 83 (4), 2012
High energy resolution x-ray absorption spectroscopy study of uranium in varying valence states
T Vitova, KO Kvashnina, G Nocton, G Sukharina, MA Denecke, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (23), 235118, 2010
Electronic structure of phospho-olivines LixFePO4 (x=, 1) from soft-x-ray-absorption and-emission spectroscopies
A Augustsson, GV Zhuang, SM Butorin, JM Osorio-Guillén, CL Dong, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 123 (18), 2005
Nanoscale mechanism of UO2 formation through uranium reduction by magnetite
Z Pan, B Bártová, T LaGrange, SM Butorin, NC Hyatt, MC Stennett, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 4001, 2020
Electronic structure investigation of CoO by means of soft x-ray scattering
M Magnuson, SM Butorin, JH Guo, J Nordgren
Physical Review B 65 (20), 205106, 2002
Direct study of the f-electron configuration in lanthanide systems
KO Kvashnina, SM Butorin, P Glatzel
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 26 (6), 1265-1272, 2011
Role of resonant inelastic X-ray scattering in high-resolution core-level spectroscopy of actinide materials
KO Kvashnina, YO Kvashnin, SM Butorin
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 194, 27-36, 2014
Intrinsic deviations in fluorescence yield detected x-ray absorption spectroscopy: the case of the transition metal L2, 3 edges
R Kurian, K Kunnus, P Wernet, SM Butorin, P Glatzel, FMF de Groot
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24 (45), 452201, 2012
Origin of magnetic circular dichroism in soft x-ray fluorescence of Heusler alloys at threshold excitation
MV Yablonskikh, YM Yarmoshenko, VI Grebennikov, EZ Kurmaev, ...
Physical Review B 63 (23), 235117, 2001
Electronic structure of La 2− x Sr x CuO 4 studied by soft-x-ray-fluorescence spectroscopy with tunable excitation
JH Guo, SM Butorin, N Wassdahl, P Skytt, J Nordgren, Y Ma
Physical Review B 49 (2), 1376, 1994
Design and performance of a spherical grating monochromator used at MAX I
BN Jensen, SM Butorin, T Kaurila, R Nyholm, LI Johansson
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 1997
Resonant inelastic soft-x-ray scattering from valence-band excitations in 3 d 0 compounds
SM Butorin, JH Guo, M Magnuson, J Nordgren
Physical Review B 55 (7), 4242, 1997
The electronic structure of polyaniline and doped phases studied by soft X-ray absorption and emission spectroscopies
M Magnuson, JH Guo, SM Butorin, A Agui, C Såthe, J Nordgren, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 111 (10), 4756-4761, 1999
Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering from Strongly Electron-Correlated Systems as a Probe of Optical Scale Excitations: Quasi-localized View
SM Butorin
J. Electron Spectrosc 110 (111), 213-233, 2000
High-energy resolution X-ray spectroscopy at actinide M 4, 5 and ligand K edges: what we know, what we want to know, and what we can know
KO Kvashnina, SM Butorin
Chemical Communications 58 (3), 327-342, 2022
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