Miclaus Andrei
Cited by
Cited by
Data analysis on building load profiles: A stepping stone to future campus
L Wang, Y Ding, T Riedel, A Miclaus, M Beigl
2017 International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), 1-4, 2017
End-user installation of heterogeneous home automation systems using pen and paper interfaces and dynamically generated documentation
A Miclaus, T Riedel, M Beigl
2014 International Conference on the Internet of Things (IOT), 19-24, 2014
Towards the shop floor app ecosystem: Using the semantic web for gluing together apps into mashups
A Miclaus, W Clauss, E Schwert, MA Neumann, F Mütsch, T Riedel, ...
Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on the Web of Things, 17-21, 2016
Always-on web of things infrastructure using dynamic software updating
MA Neumann, CT Bach, A Miclaus, T Riedel, M Beigl
Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on the Web of Things, 5-10, 2016
Manageable and Scalable Manufacturing IT Through an App Based Approach
C Knecht, A Schuller, A Miclaus
Advances in Manufacturing, Production Management and Process Control …, 2020
Drive by maintenance towards adaptive work environments with improved industrial HCI
A Miclaus, E Pescara, A Mädche, M Beigl
Proceedings of the 12th ACM International Conference on PErvasive …, 2019
IndianaJS: Building spatially aware web sites for the Web of Things
A Miclaus, J Unseld, A Miclaus, M Berning, T Riedel, M Beigl
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on the Web of Things, 1-6, 2015
Semantic web based context-adaptable generation of product specific documentation
A Miclaus, T Riedel, J Unseld, M Beigl
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Web of Things, 10-15, 2014
Abschlussbericht zum Vorhaben" Dynamische Vernetzung und intelligente Bausteine der ScaleIT–Referenzarchitektur"(Fkz: 02P14B18089)
A Miclaus, T Riedel, M Beigl
Always-On Web of Things Infrastructure using Dynamic Software Updating
M Alexander, T Bach, A Miclaus, T Riedel, M Beigl
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Articles 1–10