Yin Pan
Yin Pan
Associate Professor of Rochester Institute of Technology
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Cited by
The influence of personality traits and social networks on the self-disclosure behavior of social network site users
X Chen, Y Pan, B Guo
Internet research 26 (3), 566-586, 2016
Method for reserving network resources using a hierarchical/segment tree for starting and ending times of request
Y Pan, A Villarica, E Edwards
US Patent 6,760,306, 2004
Automated malware detection using artifacts in forensic memory images
R Mosli, R Li, B Yuan, Y Pan
2016 IEEE Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST), 1-6, 2016
Oversubscribing network resources
Y Pan, A Villarica, E Edwards
US Patent 6,775,701, 2004
On the computation of uncertainty measure in Dempster-Shafer theory
D Harmanec, G Resconi, GJ Klir, Y Pan
International Journal Of General System 25 (2), 153-163, 1996
Bayesian inference of fuzzy probabilities
Y Pan, B Yuan
International Journal of General System 26 (1-2), 73-90, 1997
A behavior-based approach for malware detection
R Mosli, R Li, B Yuan, Y Pan
Advances in Digital Forensics XIII: 13th IFIP WG 11.9 International …, 2017
Decentralized virtualization in systems administration education
B Stackpole, J Koppe, T Haskell, L Guay, Y Pan
Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGITE conference on Information technology …, 2008
A social approach to security: Using social networks to help detect malicious web content
M Robertson, Y Pan, B Yuan
2010 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge …, 2010
On normal form based interval-valued fuzzy sets and their applications to approximate reasoning
B Yuan, Y Pan, W Wu
International Journal of General Systems 23 (3), 241-254, 1995
Forensic course development
L Troell, Y Pan, B Stackpole
Proceedings of the 4th Conference on information Technology Curriculum, 265-269, 2003
Gamified digital forensics course modules for undergraduates
Y Pan, D Schwartz, S Mishra
2015 IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference, 100-105, 2015
Forensic acquisition and analysis of vmware virtual hard disks
M Hirwani, Y Pan, B Stackpole, D Johnson
The 2012 international conference on security and management, 2012
Bayesian inference based on interval-valued prior distributions and likelihoods
Y Pan, GJ Klir
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 5 (3), 193-203, 1997
Aggregating filters
Y Pan, A Villarica, E Edwards
US Patent 7,065,042, 2006
Method and apparatus for implementing a policy-based management system on a network device
Y Pan, A Villarica, E Edwards
US Patent 7,606,146, 2009
Game-based forensics course for first year students
Y Pan, S Mishra, B Yuan, B Stackpole, D Schwartz
Proceedings of the 13th annual conference on Information technology …, 2012
Smart safety design for fire stairways in underground space based on the ascending evacuation speed and BMI
R Xie, Y Pan, T Zhou, W Ye
Safety science 125, 104619, 2020
Route robustness of a multi-meshed tree routing scheme for Internet MANETs
N Shenoy, Y Pan, D Narayan, D Ross, C Lutzer
GLOBECOM'05. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 2005. 6, 6 pp.-3351, 2005
Bayesian inference based on interval probabilities
Y Pan, GJ Klir
Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 5 (3), 193-203, 1997
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Articles 1–20