Wang, Lifeng
Cited by
Cited by
Safeguarding 5G wireless communication networks using physical layer security
N Yang, L Wang, G Geraci, M Elkashlan, J Yuan, M Di Renzo
IEEE Communications Magazine 53 (4), 20-27, 2015
User association in 5G networks: A survey and an outlook
D Liu, L Wang, Y Chen, M Elkashlan, KK Wong, R Schober, L Hanzo
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 18 (2), 1018-1044, 2016
Relay selection for security enhancement in cognitive relay networks
Y Liu, L Wang, TT Duy, M Elkashlan, TQ Duong
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 4 (1), 46-49, 2015
Secure D2D communication in large-scale cognitive cellular networks: A wireless power transfer model
Y Liu, L Wang, SAR Zaidi, M Elkashlan, TQ Duong
IEEE Transactions on Communications 64 (1), 329-342, 2016
On the security of cognitive radio networks
M Elkashlan, L Wang, TQ Duong, GK Karagiannidis, A Nallanathan
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 64 (8), 3790-3795, 2015
Secure Transmission With Antenna Selection in MIMO Nakagami-Fading Channels
L Wang, M Elkashlan, J Huang, R Schober, RK Mallik
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 13 (11), 6054-6067, 2014
Secure Communications in Millimeter Wave Ad Hoc Networks
Y Zhu, L Wang, KK Wong, RW Heath Jr
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 16 (5), 3205 - 3217, 2017
Secure transmission with optimal power allocation in untrusted relay networks
L Wang, M Elkashlan, J Huang, NH Tran, TQ Duong
IEEE wireless communications Letters 3 (3), 289-292, 2014
Physical layer security of maximal ratio combining in two-wave with diffuse power fading channels
L Wang, N Yang, M Elkashlan, PL Yeoh, J Yuan
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 9 (2), 247-258, 2014
Distributed energy efficient fair user association in massive MIMO enabled HetNets
D Liu, L Wang, Y Chen, T Zhang, KK Chai, M Elkashlan
IEEE Communications Letters 19 (10), 1770-1773, 2015
Physical layer security in three-tier wireless sensor networks: A stochastic geometry approach
Y Deng, L Wang, M Elkashlan, A Nallanathan, RK Mallik
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 11 (6), 1128-1138, 2016
Two-way relaying networks with wireless power transfer: Policies design and throughput analysis
Y Liu, L Wang, M Elkashlan, TQ Duong, A Nallanathan
2014 IEEE Global Communications Conference, 4030-4035, 2014
A New Look at Physical Layer Security, Caching, and Wireless Energy Harvesting for Heterogeneous Ultra-dense Networks
L Wang, KK Wong, S Jin, G Zheng, RW Heath Jr
IEEE Communications Magazine 56 (6), 49-55, 2018
Security enhancement of cooperative single carrier systems
L Wang, KJ Kim, TQ Duong, M Elkashlan, HV Poor
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 10 (1), 90-103, 2015
Massive MIMO in spectrum sharing networks: Achievable rate and power efficiency
L Wang, HQ Ngo, M Elkashlan, TQ Duong, KK Wong
IEEE Systems Journal 11 (1), 20-31, 2015
Edge and central cloud computing: A perfect pairing for high energy efficiency and low-latency
X Hu, L Wang, KK Wong, Y Zhang, Z Zheng, M Tao
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 19 (2), 1070-1083, 2020
Spectral and Energy Efficiency of Uplink D2D Underlaid Massive MIMO Cellular Networks
A He, L Wang, Y Chen, KK Wong, M Elkashlan
IEEE Transactions on Communications 65 (9), 3780 - 3793, 2017
Generalized Selection Combining for Cognitive Relay Networks Over Nakagami-Fading
Y Deng, L Wang, M Elkashlan, KJ Kim, TQ Duong
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 63 (8), 1993-2006, 2015
Artificial-Noise Aided Secure Transmission in Large Scale Spectrum Sharing Networks
Y Deng, L Wang, SAR Zaidi, J Yuan, M Elkashlan
IEEE Transactions on Communications 64 (5), 2116-2129, 2016
Spectrum and energy efficiency in massive MIMO enabled hetnets: A stochastic geometry approach
A He, L Wang, M Elkashlan, Y Chen, KK Wong
IEEE Communications Letters 19 (12), 2294-2297, 2015
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Articles 1–20