Brandon Wild
Brandon Wild
Associate Professor, University of North Dakota
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Cited by
Optimizing long short-term memory recurrent neural networks using ant colony optimization to predict turbine engine vibration
AER ElSaid, F El Jamiy, J Higgins, B Wild, T Desell
Applied Soft Computing 73, 969-991, 2018
Evolving deep recurrent neural networks using ant colony optimization
T Desell, S Clachar, J Higgins, B Wild
Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization: 15th European …, 2015
Using LSTM recurrent neural networks to predict excess vibration events in aircraft engines
AER ElSaid, B Wild, J Higgins, T Desell
2016 IEEE 12th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science), 260-269, 2016
Using ant colony optimization to optimize long short-term memory recurrent neural networks
AER ElSaid, FE Jamiy, J Higgins, B Wild, T Desell
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 13-20, 2018
Optimizing LSTM RNNs using ACO to predict turbine engine vibration
AER ElSaid, B Wild, FE Jamiy, J Higgins, T Desell
Proceedings of the genetic and evolutionary computation conference companion …, 2017
Evolving neural network weights for time-series prediction of general aviation flight data
T Desell, S Clachar, J Higgins, B Wild
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature–PPSN XIII: 13th International …, 2014
Classifying aircraft approach type in the national general aviation flight information database
K Karboviak, S Clachar, T Desell, M Dusenbury, W Hedrick, J Higgins, ...
Computational Science–ICCS 2018: 18th International Conference, Wuxi, China …, 2018
Optimized flight safety event detection in the national general aviation flight information database
AP LaBella, JA Karns, F Akhbardeh, T Desell, AJ Walton, Z Morgan, ...
Proceedings of the 37th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, 1570-1579, 2022
Aviation Safety-The Basics-eBooks and textbooks from bookboon. com
BW Wild, GM Ullrich
bookboon. com, 2015
A Historical Perspective on Aviation Flight Training and Education
B Wild
The University of North Dakota, 2019
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Articles 1–10