Viktor Korzun
Viktor Korzun
Global Lead Scientific Affairs, KWS SAAT SE & Co. KGaA
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A microsatellite map of wheat
MS Röder, V Korzun, K Wendehake, J Plaschke, MH Tixier, P Leroy, ...
Genetics 149 (4), 2007-2023, 1998
Genome-wide comparative diversity uncovers multiple targets of selection for improvement in hexaploid wheat landraces and cultivars
CR Cavanagh, S Chao, S Wang, BE Huang, S Stephen, S Kiani, K Forrest, ...
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 110 (20), 8057-8062, 2013
Genetic mapping of 66 new microsatellite (SSR) loci in bread wheat
P Gupta, HS Balyan, KJ Edwards, P Isaac, V Korzun, MS Röder, ...
Theoretical and applied genetics 105, 413-422, 2002
Natural variation in a homolog of Antirrhinum CENTRORADIALIS contributed to spring growth habit and environmental adaptation in cultivated barley
J Comadran, B Kilian, J Russell, L Ramsay, N Stein, M Ganal, P Shaw, ...
Nature genetics 44 (12), 1388-1392, 2012
Genetic analysis of the dwarfing gene (Rht8) in wheat. Part I. Molecular mapping of Rht8 on the short arm of chromosome 2D of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
V Korzun, MS Röder, MW Ganal, AJ Worland, CN Law
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 96, 1104-1109, 1998
Interspecific transferability and comparative mapping of barley EST-SSR markers in wheat, rye and rice
RK Varshney, R Sigmund, A Börner, V Korzun, N Stein, ME Sorrells, ...
Plant Science 168 (1), 195-202, 2005
The influence of photoperiod genes on the adaptability of European winter wheats
AJ Worland, A Börner, V Korzun, WM Li, S Petrovic, EJ Sayers
Euphytica 100, 385-394, 1998
Hybrid breeding in wheat: technologies to improve hybrid wheat seed production
R Whitford, D Fleury, JC Reif, M Garcia, T Okada, V Korzun, P Langridge
Journal of experimental botany 64 (18), 5411-5428, 2013
Genetic analysis of the dwarfing gene Rht8 in wheat. Part II. The distribution and adaptive significance of allelic variants at the Rht8 locus of wheat as revealed by …
AJ Worland, V Korzun, MS Röder, MW Ganal, CN Law
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 96, 1110-1120, 1998
Marker-assisted selection for disease resistance in wheat and barley breeding
T Miedaner, V Korzun
Phytopathology 102 (6), 560-566, 2012
Construction and analysis of a microsatellite-based database of European wheat varieties
M Röder, K Wendehake, V Korzun, G Bredemeijer, D Laborie, L Bertrand, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 106, 67-73, 2002
The relationships between the dwarfing genes of wheat and rye
A Boerner, J Plaschke, V Korzun, AJ Worland
Euphytica 89, 69-75, 1996
Towards a whole‐genome sequence for rye (Secale cereale L.)
E Bauer, T Schmutzer, I Barilar, M Mascher, H Gundlach, MM Martis, ...
The Plant Journal 89 (5), 853-869, 2017
Reticulate evolution of the rye genome
MM Martis, R Zhou, G Haseneyer, T Schmutzer, J Vrána, M Kubaláková, ...
The Plant Cell 25 (10), 3685-3698, 2013
Chromosome-scale genome assembly provides insights into rye biology, evolution and agronomic potential
MT Rabanus-Wallace, B Hackauf, M Mascher, T Lux, T Wicker, ...
Nature genetics 53 (4), 564-573, 2021
Stacking quantitative trait loci (QTL) for Fusarium head blight resistance from non-adapted sources in an European elite spring wheat background and assessing …
T Miedaner, F Wilde, B Steiner, H Buerstmayr, V Korzun, E Ebmeyer
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 112, 562-569, 2006
A genetic map of rye (Secale cereale L.) combining RFLP, isozyme, protein, microsatellite and gene loci
V Korzun, S Malyshev, AV Voylokov, A Börner
theoretical and Applied Genetics 102, 709-717, 2001
Population structure, genetic diversity and linkage disequilibrium in elite winter wheat assessed with SNP and SSR markers
T Würschum, SM Langer, CFH Longin, V Korzun, E Akhunov, E Ebmeyer, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 126, 1477-1486, 2013
Whole genome association mapping of Fusarium head blight resistance in European winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
S Kollers, B Rodemann, J Ling, V Korzun, E Ebmeyer, O Argillier, M Hinze, ...
PLoS One 8 (2), e57500, 2013
Molecular mapping of Fusarium head blight resistance in the winter wheat population Dream/Lynx
M Schmolke, G Zimmermann, H Buerstmayr, G Schweizer, T Miedaner, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 111, 747-756, 2005
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Articles 1–20