Justin Pargeter
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Hunting with Howiesons Poort segments: pilot experimental study and the functional interpretation of archaeological tools
M Lombard, J Pargeter
Journal of Archaeological Science 35 (9), 2523-2531, 2008
Test, model, and method validation: The role of experimental stone artifact replication in hypothesis-driven archaeology
MI Eren, SJ Lycett, RJ Patten, B Buchanan, J Pargeter, MJ O'Brien
Ethnoarchaeology 8 (2), 103-136, 2016
Assessing the macrofracture method for identifying Stone Age hunting weaponry
J Pargeter
Journal of Archaeological Science 38 (11), 2882-2888, 2011
Understanding stone tool-making skill acquisition: Experimental methods and evolutionary implications
J Pargeter, N Khreisheh, D Stout
Journal of Human Evolution 133, 146-166, 2019
Howiesons Poort segments as hunting weapons: experiments with replicated projectiles
J Pargeter
The South African Archaeological Bulletin 62 (186), 147-153, 2007
Going big versus going small: Lithic miniaturization in hominin lithic technology
J Pargeter, JJ Shea
Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News, and Reviews 28 (2), 72-85, 2019
Archaeological reconnaissance for middle stone age sites along the Pondoland Coast, South Africa
EC Fisher, M Poupart, J Pargeter, FH Neumann, CW Marean, A Jerardino, ...
PaleoAnthropology 2013, 104-137, 2013
Primordialism and the ‘Pleistocene San’of southern Africa
J Pargeter, A MacKay, P Mitchell, J Shea, BA Stewart
Antiquity 90 (352), 1072-1079, 2016
Lithic miniaturization in late Pleistocene southern Africa
J Pargeter
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 10, 221-236, 2016
New ages from Sehonghong rock shelter: Implications for the late Pleistocene occupation of highland Lesotho
J Pargeter, E Loftus, P Mitchell
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 12, 307-315, 2017
Knowledge vs. know-how? Dissecting the foundations of stone knapping skill
J Pargeter, N Khreisheh, JJ Shea, D Stout
Journal of Human Evolution 145, 102807, 2020
The effects of class I and II sized bovids on macrofracture formation and tool displacement: results of a trampling experiment in a southern African Stone Age context
J Pargeter, J Bradfield
Journal of Field Archaeology 37 (3), 238-251, 2012
Milky quartz bipolar reduction and lithic miniaturization: experimental results and archaeological implications
J Pargeter, P de la Peņa
Journal of Field Archaeology 42 (6), 551-565, 2017
Quantifying and comparing bipolar versus freehand flake morphologies, production currencies, and reduction energetics during lithic miniaturization
J Pargeter, MI Eren
Lithic Technology 42 (2-3), 90-108, 2017
New ages from Boomplaas Cave, South Africa, provide increased resolution on late/terminal Pleistocene human behavioural variability
J Pargeter, E Loftus, A Mackay, P Mitchell, B Stewart
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa 53 (2), 156-184, 2018
Rock type variability and impact fracture formation: working towards a more robust macrofracture method
J Pargeter
Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (11), 4056-4065, 2013
Quartz backed tools as arrowheads and hand-cast spearheads: Hunting experiments and macro-fracture analysis
J Pargeter, J Shea, B Utting
Journal of Archaeological Science 73, 145-157, 2016
Weaving simple solutions to complex problems: an experimental study of skill in bipolar cobble-splitting
H Duke, J Pargeter
Lithic Technology 40 (4), 349-365, 2015
Contextual approaches to studying unretouched bladelets: A late Pleistocene case study at Sehonghong Rockshelter, Lesotho
J Pargeter, M Redondo
Quaternary International 404, 30-43, 2016
Miniaturization optimized weapon killing power during the social stress of late pre-contact North America (AD 600-1600)
A Mika, K Flood, JD Norris, M Wilson, A Key, B Buchanan, B Redmond, ...
Plos one 15 (3), e0230348, 2020
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