Cathleen Norris
Cathleen Norris
Regents Professor, University of North Texas
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Cited by
One-to-one technology-enhanced learning: An opportunity for global research collaboration
TW Chan, J Roschelle, S Hsi, KINSHUK, M Sharples, T Brown, C Patton, ...
Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning 1 (01), 3-29, 2006
Anatomy of a mobilized lesson: Learning my way
CK Looi, LH Wong, HJ So, P Seow, Y Toh, W Chen, B Zhang, C Norris, ...
Computers & Education 53 (4), 1120-1132, 2009
1: 1 mobile inquiry learning experience for primary science students: A study of learning effectiveness
CK Looi, B Zhang, W Chen, P Seow, G Chia, C Norris, E Soloway
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 27 (3), 269-287, 2011
Deconstructing and reconstructing: Transforming primary science learning via a mobilized curriculum
BH Zhang, CK Looi, P Seow, G Chia, LH Wong, W Chen, HJ So, ...
Computers & Education 55 (4), 1504-1523, 2010
More than just fun and games: Assessing the value of educational video games in the classroom
J Lee, K Luchini, B Michael, C Norris, E Soloway
CHI'04 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, 1375-1378, 2004
Implementing mobile learning curricula in a grade level: Empirical study of learning effectiveness at scale
CK Looi, D Sun, L Wu, P Seow, G Chia, LH Wong, E Soloway, C Norris
Computers & Education 77, 101-115, 2014
A model driven framework to address challenges in a mobile learning environment
F Khaddage, R Christensen, W Lai, G Knezek, C Norris, E Soloway
Education and Information Technologies 20, 625-640, 2015
Computational thinking should just be good thinking
M Guzdial, A Kay, C Norris, E Soloway
Communications of the ACM 62 (11), 28-30, 2019
Handhelds: Getting mobile
C Norris, E Soloway
District Administration 44 (8), 20-24, 2008
Bridging formal and informal learning with the use of mobile technology
CK Looi, KF Lim, J Pang, ALH Koh, P Seow, D Sun, I Boticki, C Norris, ...
Future learning in primary schools: A Singapore perspective, 79-96, 2016
Under what conditions does computer use positively impact student achievement? Supplemental vs. essential use
C Norris, A Hossain, E Soloway
Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International …, 2012
Substantive educational change is in the palm of our children's hands
CA Norris, EM Soloway
Handbook of mobile learning, 109-118, 2013
Want increased student achievement using iPads
C Norris, E Soloway
District administration 48 (7), 42, 2012
Getting mobile handhelds help bring K-12 classrooms into the 21st century
C Norris, E Soloway
District Administration Magazine, 2008
The 10 barriers to technology adoption
C Norris, E Soloway
District Administration 47 (10), 92-92, 2011
One-to-one computing has failed our expectations: The laptops are being used as add-ons to existing curriculum
C Norris, E Soloway
District Administration 46 (5), 58-59, 2010
Tips for BYOD k12 programs
C Norris, E Soloway
District Administration 47 (7), 77, 2011
Using technology to address old problems in new ways
E Soloway, C Norris
Communications of the ACM 41 (8), 11-18, 1998
Transforming the doctorate from residential to online: A distributed PhD learning technologies
G Jones, SJ Warren, D Ennis-Cole, G Knezek, L Lin, C Norris
TechTrends 58, 19-26, 2014
Lessons learned from 1-to-1 laptop initiatives: Reflections on the critical components
M Muir, A Owen, G Knezek, R Christensen, E Soloway, C Norris, P Albion, ...
Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International …, 2006
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Articles 1–20