Eva Bauer
Eva Bauer
Technical University of Munich, Campus Office Weihenstephan
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Maximizing the Reliability of Genomic Selection by Optimizing the Calibration Set of Reference Individuals: Comparison of Methods in Two Diverse Groups of Maize Inbreds (Zea …
R Rincent, D Laloë, S Nicolas, T Altmann, D Brunel, P Revilla, ...
Genetics 192 (2), 715-728, 2012
A powerful tool for genome analysis in maize: development and evaluation of the high density 600k SNP genotyping array
S Unterseer, E Bauer, G Haberer, M Seidel, C Knaak, M Ouzunova, ...
BMC genomics 15 (1), 823, 2014
Genome properties and prospects of genomic prediction of hybrid performance in a breeding program of maize
F Technow, TA Schrag, W Schipprack, E Bauer, H Simianer, ...
Genetics 197 (4), 1343-1355, 2014
Towards a whole‐genome sequence for rye (Secale cereale L.)
E Bauer, T Schmutzer, I Barilar, M Mascher, H Gundlach, MM Martis, ...
The Plant Journal 89 (5), 853-869, 2017
Reticulate evolution of the rye genome
MM Martis, R Zhou, G Haseneyer, T Schmutzer, J Vrána, M Kubaláková, ...
The Plant Cell 25 (10), 3685-3698, 2013
Selfish supernumerary chromosome reveals its origin as a mosaic of host genome and organellar sequences
MM Martis, S Klemme, AM Banaei-Moghaddam, FR Blattner, J Macas, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (33), 13343-13346, 2012
Intraspecific variation of recombination rate in maize
E Bauer, M Falque, H Walter, C Bauland, C Camisan, L Campo, N Meyer, ...
Genome Biol 14 (9), R103, 2013
Chromosome-scale genome assembly provides insights into rye biology, evolution and agronomic potential
MT Rabanus-Wallace, B Hackauf, M Mascher, T Lux, T Wicker, ...
Nature genetics 53 (4), 564-573, 2021
Usefulness of Multiparental Populations of Maize (Zea mays L.) for Genome-Based Prediction
C Lehermeier, N Krämer, E Bauer, C Bauland, C Camisan, L Campo, ...
Genetics 198 (1), 3-16, 2014
RFLP mapping of the ym4 virus resistance gene in barley
A Graner, E Bauer
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 86 (6), 689-693, 1993
Pl Arg from Helianthus argophyllus is unlinked to other known downy mildew resistance genes in sunflower
CM Dußle, V Hahn, SJ Knapp, E Bauer
Theoretical and applied genetics 109 (5), 1083-1086, 2004
From RNA-seq to large-scale genotyping-genomics resources for rye (Secale cereale L.)
G Haseneyer, T Schmutzer, M Seidel, R Zhou, M Mascher, CC Schön, ...
BMC Plant Biology 11 (1), 131, 2011
Genetic diversity in European winter triticale determined with SSR markers and coancestry coefficient
SH Tams, E Bauer, G Oettler, AE Melchinger
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 108 (7), 1385-1391, 2004
Molecular mapping and genetic fine-structure of the rym5 locus encoding resistance to different strains of the Barley Yellow Mosaic Virus Complex
A Graner, S Streng, A Kellermann, A Schiemann, E Bauer, R Waugh, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 98 (2), 285-290, 1999
European maize genomes highlight intraspecies variation in repeat and gene content
G Haberer, N Kamal, E Bauer, H Gundlach, I Fischer, MA Seidel, ...
Nature genetics 52 (9), 950-957, 2020
Genetic similarity among European winter triticale elite germplasms assessed with AFLP and comparisons with SSR and pedigree data
SH Tams, AE Melchinger, E Bauer
Plant breeding 124 (2), 154-160, 2005
Prospects for Hybrid Breeding in Winter Triticale. I. Heterosis and Combining Ability for Agronomic Traits in European Elite Germplasm
G Oettler, SH Tams, HF Utz, E Bauer, AE Melchinger
Crop Science 45 (4), 1476-1482, 2005
DroughtDB: an expert-curated compilation of plant drought stress genes and their homologs in nine species
S Alter, KC Bader, M Spannagl, Y Wang, E Bauer, CC Schön, KFX Mayer
Database 2015, bav046, 2015
Model training across multiple breeding cycles significantly improves genomic prediction accuracy in rye (Secale cereale L.)
HJ Auinger, M Schönleben, C Lehermeier, M Schmidt, V Korzun, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 129 (11), 2043-2053, 2016
Association mapping for cold tolerance in two large maize inbred panels
P Revilla, VM Rodríguez, A Ordás, R Rincent, A Charcosset, C Giauffret, ...
BMC plant biology 16 (1), 127, 2016
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Articles 1–20