Eduardo Barros
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Cited by
An episodic process model of affective influences on performance.
DJ Beal, HM Weiss, E Barros, SM MacDermid
Journal of Applied psychology 90 (6), 1054, 2005
Leader affective presence and innovation in teams.
HP Madrid, P Totterdell, K Niven, E Barros
Journal of Applied Psychology 101 (5), 673, 2016
A finer grained approach to psychological capital and work performance
HP Madrid, MT Diaz, S Leka, PI Leiva, E Barros
Journal of Business and Psychology 33, 461-477, 2018
Using General Mental Ability and Personality Traits to Predict Job Performance in Three C hilean Organizations
E Barros, EE Kausel, F Cuadra, DA Díaz
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 22 (4), 432-438, 2014
The emotion regulation roots of job satisfaction
HP Madrid, E Barros, CA Vasquez
Frontiers in psychology 11, 609933, 2020
Conflicto entre trabajo y familia: efectos sobre la salud y resultados laborales en mujeres.
E Barros, MC Barros
Estudios de administración 15 (2), 2008
The Longitudinal Link between Organizational Citizenship Behaviors and Three Different Models of Happiness
W Unanue, E Barros, M Gómez
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 18 (6387), 2021
Writing research articles: Update on the article review checklist
EI Desrosiers, K Sherony, E Barros, GA Ballinger, S Senol, MA Campion
Handbook of research methods in industrial and organizational psychology …, 2004
Más allá de los cinco grandes: disposiciones y personalidad en la predicción de decisiones deshonestas en el contexto organizacional
EE Kausel, PI Leiva, M Sanfuentes, E Barros
Innovar 22 (44), 109-122, 2012
Deployment and family separation: An annotated bibliography
R Swan, E Barros, Y Chang, KE Kurek, YI Kwon, N Robbins, H Wenz, ...
West Lafayette, IN: Military Family Research Institute, 2002
Attentional deployment in emotion regulation: Should people pay attention or not?
E Barros
Purdue University, 2005
Conceptualizing Performance Processes: A Model to Guide Research Linking Quality of Life and Performance
HM Weiss, DJ Beal
Publicación Extranjera, 2005
MFRI Resources for Researchers
RL Schwarz, E Barros, A Behnke, Y Chang, A Christiansen, A Faber, ...
Military Research Institute at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 2004
Conceptualizing performance processes: A model to guide research on links between quality of life and performance
HM Weiss, DJ Beal, E Barros, SM MacDermid
Lafayette, IN: Military Family Research Institute at Purdue University …, 2003
History of industrial and organizational psychology in Chile
E Barros, EE Kausel, PI Leiva, HP Madrid, G Muñoz, MP Tagle, ...
The SAGE encyclopedia of industrial and organizational psychology, 2nd …, 2017
beyond the big five: disposition and personality in prediCting dishonest deCisions in the organizational Context
E Kausel, P Leiva, M Sanfuentes, E Barros
1foldr Import 2019-10-08 Batch 5, 2012
MFRI Resources for Researchers
R Swan, E Barros, Y Chang, KE Kurek, YI Kwon, N Robbins, H Wenz, ...
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Articles 1–17