Aleksei Tepljakov
Aleksei Tepljakov
Senior Researcher @ Centre for Intelligent Systems, TalTech University
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Cited by
FOMCON: fractional-order modeling and control toolbox
A Tepljakov
Fractional-order modeling and control of dynamic systems, 107-129, 2017
FOMCON: a MATLAB toolbox for fractional-order system identification and control
A Tepljakov, E Petlenkov, J Belikov
International Journal of Microelectronics and Computer Science 2 (2), 51-62, 2011
Fractional-order modeling and control of dynamic systems
A Tepljakov
Springer, 2017
FOPID controllers and their industrial applications: A survey of recent results
A Tepljakov, BB Alagoz, C Yeroglu, E Gonzalez, SH HosseinNia, ...
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (4), 25-30, 2018
Towards industrialization of FOPID controllers: A survey on milestones of fractional-order control and pathways for future developments
A Tepljakov, BB Alagoz, C Yeroglu, EA Gonzalez, SH Hosseinnia, ...
IEEE Access 9, 21016-21042, 2021
Incorporation of fractional-order dynamics into an existing PI/PID DC motor control loop
A Tepljakov, EA Gonzalez, E Petlenkov, J Belikov, CA Monje, I Petráš
ISA transactions 60, 262-273, 2016
Fractional-order controller design and digital implementation using FOMCON toolbox for MATLAB
A Tepljakov, E Petlenkov, J Belikov, J Finajev
2013 IEEE conference on computer aided control system design (CACSD), 340-345, 2013
A flexible MATLAB tool for optimal fractional-order PID controller design subject to specifications
A Tepljakov, E Petlenkov, J Belikov
Proceedings of the 31st Chinese Control Conference, 4698-4703, 2012
Design and implementation of fractional-order PID controllers for a fluid tank system
A Tepljakov, E Petlenkov, J Belikov, M Halas
2013 American Control Conference, 1777-1782, 2013
Fractional-order calculus based identification and control of linear dynamic systems
A Tepljakov
Tallinn University of Technology, 2011
Model reference adaptive control scheme for retuning method-based fractional-order PID control with disturbance rejection applied to closed-loop control of a magnetic …
A Tepljakov, BB Alagoz, E Gonzalez, E Petlenkov, C Yeroglu
Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers 27 (11), 1850176, 2018
FOMCON toolbox for modeling, design and implementation of fractional-order control systems
A Tepljakov, E Petlenkov, J Belikov, I Petráš
Applications in control 6, 211-236, 2019
Pavement distress detection with deep learning using the orthoframes acquired by a mobile mapping system
A Riid, R Louk, R Pihlak, A Tepljakov, K Vassiljeva
Applied Sciences 9 (22), 4829, 2019
Extended reality technologies in small and medium-sized European industrial companies: level of awareness, diffusion and enablers of adoption
H Jalo, H Pirkkalainen, O Torro, E Pessot, A Zangiacomi, A Tepljakov
Virtual Reality 26 (4), 1745-1761, 2022
Digital twins in extended reality for control system applications
S Jeršov, A Tepljakov
2020 43rd International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal …, 2020
ReImagine lab: Bridging the gap between hands-on, virtual and remote control engineering laboratories using digital twins and extended reality
S Alsaleh, A Tepljakov, A Köse, J Belikov, E Petlenkov
Ieee Access 10, 89924-89943, 2022
Time-domain identification of one noninteger order plus time delay models from step response measurements
BB Alagoz, A Tepljakov, A Ates, E Petlenkov, C Yeroglu
International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing 10 …, 2019
Closed-loop identification of fractional-order models using FOMCON toolbox for MATLAB
A Tepljakov, E Petlenkov, J Belikov
2014 14th Biennial Baltic Electronic Conference (BEC), 213-216, 2014
Virtual inertia control of isolated microgrids using an NN-based VFOPID controller
V Skiparev, K Nosrati, A Tepljakov, E Petlenkov, Y Levron, J Belikov, ...
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 14 (3), 1558-1568, 2023
Efficient analog implementations of fractional-order controllers
A Tepljakov, E Petlenkov, J Belikov
Proceedings of the 14th International Carpathian Control Conference (ICCC …, 2013
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Articles 1–20