Yingjun Wu
Yingjun Wu
RisingWave Labs
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Cited by
Self-Driving Database Management Systems
A Pavlo, G Angulo, J Arulraj, H Lin, J Lin, L Ma, P Menon, T Mowry, ...
CIDR 2017, Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research, 2017
An Empirical Evaluation of In-Memory Multi-Version Concurrency Control
Y Wu, J Arulraj, J Lin, R Xian, A Pavlo
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 10 (7), 781-792, 2017
ChronoStream: Elastic Stateful Stream Computation in the Cloud
Y Wu, KL Tan
Data Engineering (ICDE), 2015 IEEE 31st International Conference on, 723 - 734, 2015
Designing Succinct Secondary Indexing Mechanism by Exploiting Column Correlations
Y Wu, J Yu, Y Tian, R Sidle, R Barber
Proceedings of the 2019 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2019
Understanding the effects of hypervisor I/O scheduling for virtual machine performance interference
Z Yang, H Fang, Y Wu, C Li, B Zhao, HH Huang
Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom), 2012 IEEE 4th …, 2012
Local community detection using link similarity
Y Wu, H Huang, ZF Hao, F Chen
Journal of computer science and technology 27 (6), 1261-1268, 2012
Transaction Healing: Scaling Optimistic Concurrency Control on Multicores
Y Wu, CY Chan, KL Tan
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2016
Fast Failure Recovery for Main-Memory DBMSs on Multicores
Y Wu, W Guo, CY Chan, KL Tan
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Conference on Management of Data …, 2017
Hardware-Conscious Stream Processing: A Survey
S Zhang, F Zhang, Y Wu, P Johns, B He
ACM SIGMDO Record 48 (4), 18-29, 2020
SocialTransfer: Transferring Social Knowledge for Cold-Start Crowdsourcing
Z Zhao, J Cheng, F Wei, M Zhou, W Ng, Y Wu
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM International Conference on Conference on …, 2014
Towards Concurrent Stateful Stream Processing on Multicore Processors
S Zhang, Y Wu, F Zhang, B He
Data Engineering (ICDE), 2020 IEEE 36th International Conference on, 2020
Scalable In-Memory Transaction Processing with HTM
Y Wu, KL Tan
USENIX Annual Technical Conference, 365-377, 2016
WiSer: A Highly Available HTAP DBMS for IoT Applications
R Barber, C Garcia-Arellano, R Grosman, G Lohman, C Mohan, R Muller, ...
2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, 2019
Grand challenge: SPRINT stream processing engine as a solution
Y Wu, D Maier, KL Tan
Proceedings of the 7th ACM international conference on Distributed event …, 2013
HERMIT in Action: Succinct Secondary Indexing Mechanism via Correlation Exploration
Y Wu, J Yu, Y Tian, R Sidle, R Barber
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 12 (12), 2019
Measuring the Characteristics of Hypervisor I/O Scheduling in the Cloud for Virtual Machine Performance Interference
Z Yang, H Fang, Y Wu, C Li
International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing (IJGHPC) 5 (4 …, 2013
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Articles 1–16