Evgeniy Bart
Evgeniy Bart
eBots Inc
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Cited by
Cross-generalization: Learning novel classes from a single example by feature replacement
E Bart, S Ullman
2005 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2005
Unsupervised learning of visual taxonomies
E Bart, I Porteous, P Perona, M Welling
2008 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1-8, 2008
Multi-domain information fusion for insider threat detection
H Eldardiry, E Bart, J Liu, J Hanley, B Price, O Brdiczka
2013 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops, 45-51, 2013
Multi-HDP: A Non Parametric Bayesian Model for Tensor Factorization.
I Porteous, E Bart, M Welling
Aaai 8, 1487-1490, 2008
Detecting anomalies in work practice data by combining multiple domains of information
E Bart, JJ Liu, HMA Eldardiry, RR Price
US Patent 9,264,442, 2016
Recognition invariance obtained by extended and invariant features
S Ullman, E Bart
Neural Networks 17 (5-6), 833-848, 2004
Single-example Learning of Novel Classes using Representation by Similarity.
E Bart, S Ullman
BMVC 1, 2, 2005
View-invariant recognition using corresponding object fragments
E Bart, E Byvatov, S Ullman
Computer Vision-ECCV 2004: 8th European Conference on Computer Vision …, 2004
Modeling the spontaneous activity of the auditory cortex
E Bart, S Bao, D Holcman
Journal of computational neuroscience 19 (3), 357-378, 2005
Fragment-based learning of visual object categories
J Hegdé, E Bart, D Kersten
Current Biology 18 (8), 597-601, 2008
System and method for modeling behavior change and consistency to detect malicious insiders
HMA Eldardiry, E Bart, JJ Liu, RR Price, J Hanley, O Brdiczka
US Patent App. 14/183,298, 2015
Information extraction by finding repeated structure
E Bart, P Sarkar
Proceedings of the 9th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis …, 2010
Unsupervised organization of image collections: Taxonomies and beyond
E Bart, M Welling, P Perona
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 33 (11), 2302 …, 2011
System and method for efficient interpretation of images in terms of objects and their parts
P Sarkar, E Bart
US Patent 8,340,363, 2012
Class-based matching of object parts
E Bart, S Ullman
2004 Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop, 173-173, 2004
Method and apparatus for optimizing message delivery in recommender systems
E Bart, R Zhang, VME Bellotti, O Brdiczka
US Patent App. 13/645,271, 2014
Fragment-based learning of visual object categories in non-human primates
S Kromrey, M Maestri, K Hauffen, E Bart, J Hegdé
PLoS One 5 (11), e15444, 2010
Image normalization by mutual information.
E Bart, S Ullman
BMVC, 1-10, 2004
Finding repeated structure for data extraction from document images
E Bart, P Sarkar, E Saund
US Patent 8,625,886, 2014
Learning domain-specific feature descriptors for document images
K Ramakrishnan, E Bart
2012 10th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems, 415-418, 2012
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Articles 1–20