When talk is not cheap: Substantive penance and expressions of intent in rebuilding cooperation WP Bottom, K Gibson, SE Daniels, JK Murnighan Organization Science 13 (5), 497-513, 2002 | 672 | 2002 |
Cross‐cultural differences in risk perception: A model‐based approach RN Bontempo, WP Bottom, EU Weber Risk analysis 17 (4), 479-488, 1997 | 487 | 1997 |
Framing effects and the distributive aspect of integrative bargaining WP Bottom, A Studt Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 56 (3), 459-474, 1993 | 222 | 1993 |
Building a pathway to cooperation: Negotiation and social exchange between principal and agent WP Bottom, J Holloway, GJ Miller, A Mislin, A Whitford Administrative Science Quarterly 51 (1), 29-58, 2006 | 214 | 2006 |
On the role of personality, cognitive ability, and emotional intelligence in predicting negotiation outcomes: A meta-analysis S Sharma, WP Bottom, HA Elfenbein Organizational Psychology Review 3 (4), 293-336, 2013 | 173 | 2013 |
Axiomatic measures of perceived risk: Some tests and extensions EU Weber, WP Bottom Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 2 (2), 113-131, 1989 | 158 | 1989 |
Negotiator risk: Sources of uncertainty and the impact of reference points on negotiated agreements WP Bottom Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 76 (2), 89-112, 1998 | 151 | 1998 |
A test of the measurement equivalence of the revised Job Diagnostic Survey: Past problems and current solutions. JR Idaszak, WP Bottom, F Drasgow Journal of Applied Psychology 73 (4), 647, 1988 | 143 | 1988 |
After the deal: Talk, trust building and the implementation of negotiated agreements AA Mislin, RL Campagna, WP Bottom Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 115 (1), 55-68, 2011 | 104 | 2011 |
Strategic consequences of emotional misrepresentation in negotiation: The blowback effect. RL Campagna, AA Mislin, DT Kong, WP Bottom Journal of Applied Psychology 101 (5), 605, 2016 | 90 | 2016 |
More than a phase: Form and features of a general theory of negotiation D Jang, HA Elfenbein, WP Bottom Academy of Management Annals 12 (1), 318-356, 2018 | 79 | 2018 |
An empirical evaluation of the transitivity, monotonicity, accounting, and conjoint axioms for perceived risk EU Weber, WP Bottom Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 45 (2), 253-275, 1990 | 69 | 1990 |
The institutional effect on majority rule instability: Bicameralism in spatial policy decisions WP Bottom, CL Eavey, GJ Miller, JN Victor American Journal of Political Science, 523-540, 2000 | 53 | 2000 |
Once bitten: Defection and reconciliation in a cooperative enterprise K Gibson, W Bottom, JK Murnighan Business Ethics Quarterly, 69-85, 1999 | 50 | 1999 |
False Consensus, Stereotypic Cues, and the Perception of Integrative Potential in Negotiation1 WP Bottom, PW Paese Journal of Applied Social Psychology 27 (21), 1919-1940, 1997 | 47 | 1997 |
Judgment accuracy and the asymmetric cost of errors in distributive bargaining WP Bottom, PW Paese Group Decision and Negotiation 8, 349-364, 1999 | 43 | 1999 |
Team performance as a joint function of team member satisfaction and agreeableness DT Kong, LJ Konczak, WP Bottom Small Group Research 46 (2), 160-178, 2015 | 41 | 2015 |
Organizing intelligence: Development of behavioral science and the research based model of business education WP Bottom Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 45 (3), 253-283, 2009 | 41 | 2009 |
Predicting negotiation performance from personality traits: A field study across multiple occupations S Sharma, HA Elfenbein, J Foster, WP Bottom Human Performance 31 (3), 145-164, 2018 | 38 | 2018 |
Propagation of individual bias through group judgment: Error in the treatment of asymmetrically informative signals WP Bottom, K Ladha, GJ Miller Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 25, 147-163, 2002 | 38 | 2002 |