Adam Smale
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Cited by
Talent or not? Employee reactions to talent identification
I Björkman, M Ehrnrooth, K Mäkelä, A Smale, J Sumelius
Human Resource Management 52 (2), 195-214, 2013
Proactive career behaviors and subjective career success: The moderating role of national culture
A Smale, S Bagdadli, R Cotton, S Dello Russo, M Dickmann, A Dysvik, ...
Journal of organizational behavior 40 (1), 105-122, 2019
The global integration of diversity management: A longitudinal case study
A Sippola, A Smale
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 18 (11), 1895-1916, 2007
Changes in institutional context and MNC operations in China: Subsidiary HRM practices in 1996 versus 2006
I Björkman, A Smale, J Sumelius, V Suutari, Y Lu
International Business Review 17 (2), 146-158, 2008
The effects of ‘language standardization’on the acceptance and use of e-HRM systems in foreign subsidiaries
JP Heikkilä, A Smale
Journal of World Business 46 (3), 305-313, 2011
Crossing the streams: HRM in multinational enterprises and comparative HRM
C Brewster, W Mayrhofer, A Smale
Human Resource Management Review 26 (4), 285-297, 2016
Human resource management in foreign-owned subsidiaries: China versus India
I Björkman, P Budhwar, A Smale, J Sumelius
Human Resource Management ‘with Chinese Characteristics’, 194-208, 2013
Predicting stickiness factors in the international transfer of knowledge through expatriates
K Riusala, A Smale
International studies of management & organization 37 (3), 16-43, 2007
What determines employee perceptions of HRM process features? The case of performance appraisal in MNC subsidiaries
J Sumelius, I Björkman, M Ehrnrooth, K Mäkelä, A Smale
Human resource management 53 (4), 569-592, 2014
Global HRM integration: a knowledge transfer perspective
A Smale
Personnel review 37 (2), 145-164, 2008
From HRM practices to the practice of HRM: Setting a research agenda
I Björkman, M Ehrnrooth, K Mäkelä, A Smale, J Sumelius
Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance 1 (2), 122-140, 2014
Here, there, & everywhere: Development and validation of a cross-culturally representative measure of subjective career success
JP Briscoe, R Kaše, N Dries, A Dysvik, JA Unite, I Adeleye, M Andresen, ...
Journal of Vocational Behavior 130, 103612, 2021
Aligning corporate transfer intentions and subsidiary HRM practice implementation in multinational corporations
C Ahlvik, A Smale, J Sumelius
Journal of World Business 51 (3), 343-355, 2016
Dual values-based organizational identification in MNC subsidiaries: A multilevel study
A Smale, I Björkman, M Ehrnrooth, S John, K Mäkelä, J Sumelius
Journal of International Business Studies 46, 761-783, 2015
Serving to help and helping to serve: Using servant leadership to influence beyond supervisory relationships
OP Kauppila, M Ehrnrooth, K Mäkelä, A Smale, J Sumelius, H Vuorenmaa
Journal of Management 48 (3), 764-790, 2022
The determinants of line management internalisation of HRM practices in MNC subsidiaries
I Björkman, M Ehrnrooth, A Smale, S John
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 22 (8), 1654-1671, 2011
Mixed signals: employee reactions to talent status communication amidst strategic ambiguity
J Sumelius, A Smale, S Yamao
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 31 (4), 511-538, 2020
Expatriate characteristics and the stickiness of HRM knowledge transfers
YY Chang, A Smale
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 24 (12), 2394-2410, 2013
La gestión global del talento: Retos y Soluciones
I Björkman, A Smale
UCJC Business and Society Review (formerly known as Universia Business Review), 2010
Foreign subsidiary perspectives on the mechanisms of global HRM integration
A Smale
Human Resource Management Journal 18 (2), 135-153, 2008
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Articles 1–20