Bryan S. R. Grimwood
Cited by
Cited by
Ethical considerations of last chance tourism
J Dawson, MJ Johnston, EJ Stewart, CJ Lemieux, RH Lemelin, PT Maher, ...
Journal of Ecotourism 10 (3), 250-265, 2011
Responsibility in tourism: A discursive analysis
BSR Grimwood, O Yudina, M Muldoon, J Qiu
Annals of Tourism Research 50, 22-38, 2015
Engaged acclimatization: Towards responsible community‐based participatory research in Nunavut
BSR Grimwood, NC Doubleday, GJ Ljubicic, SG Donaldson, S Blangy
The Canadian Geographer/Le Géographe canadien 56 (2), 211-230, 2012
Advancing tourism’s moral morphology: Relational metaphors for just and sustainable arctic tourism
BSR Grimwood
Tourist Studies 15 (1), 3-26, 2015
Cultural sensitivity: Engaging difference in tourism
A Viken, E Höckert, BSR Grimwood
Annals of Tourism Research 89, 103223, 2021
Situating the wildlife spectacle: ecofeminism, representation, and polar bear tourism
O Yudina, BSR Grimwood
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 24 (5), 715-734, 2016
A decolonizing settler story
BSR Grimwood, MJ Stinson, LJ King
Annals of Tourism Research 79, 102763, 2019
Settler colonialism, Indigenous cultures, and the promotional landscape of tourism in Ontario, Canada's ‘near North’
BSR Grimwood, ML Muldoon, ZM Stevens
Journal of Heritage Tourism 14 (3), 233-248, 2019
Cultivating Nature Connection: Instructor Narratives of Urban Outdoor Education
BSR Grimwood, M Gordon, Z Stevens
Journal of Experiential Education 41 (2), 204-219, 2018
Creating an Indigenized visitor code of conduct: The development of Denesoline self-determination for sustainable tourism
AP Holmes, BSR Grimwood, LJ King, Lutsel K'e Dene First Nation
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 24 (8-9), 1177-1193, 2016
Becoming common plantain: Metaphor, settler responsibility, and decolonizing tourism
MJ Stinson, BSR Grimwood, K Caton
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 29 (2-3), 234-252, 2021
Illuminating traces: enactments of responsibility in practices of Arctic river tourists and inhabitants
BSR Grimwood, NC Doubleday
Journal of Ecotourism 12 (2), 53-74, 2013
Participatory action research: Democratizing knowledge for social justice
BSR Grimwood
Fostering social justice through qualitative inquiry, 196-217, 2022
“Thinking outside the gunnels”: considering natures and the moral terrains of recreational canoe travel
BSR Grimwood
Leisure/Loisir 35 (1), 49-69, 2011
Collective memory work as an unsettling methodology in tourism
BSR Grimwood, CW Johnson
Tourism Geographies 23 (1-2), 11-32, 2021
Becoming care-full: contextualizing moral development among captive elephant volunteer tourists to Thailand
M Taylor, CE Hurst, MJ Stinson, BSR Grimwood
Journal of Ecotourism 19 (2), 113-131, 2020
Looking at Arctic tourism through the lens of cultural sensitivity: ARCTISEN–a transnational baseline report
K Olsen, MS Abildgaard, C Brattland, D Chimirri, C De Bernardi, ...
University of Lapland, 2019
For Those to Come: An Introduction to Why Posthumanism Matters
BE Kumm, LA Berbary, BSR Grimwood
Leisure Sciences 41 (5), 341-347, 2019
New moral natures in tourism
BSR Grimwood, K Caton, L Cooke
Routledge, 2018
Conceptualizing cultural sensitivity in tourism: a systematic literature review
CE Hurst, BSR Grimwood, RH Lemelin, MJ Stinson
Tourism Recreation Research 46 (4), 500-515, 2021
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Articles 1–20