Reinout E. de Vries
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A six-factor structure of personality-descriptive adjectives: solutions from psycholexical studies in seven languages.
MC Ashton, K Lee, M Perugini, P Szarota, RE De Vries, L Di Blas, K Boies, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 86 (2), 356, 2004
The HEXACO honesty-humility, agreeableness, and emotionality factors: A review of research and theory
MC Ashton, K Lee, RE De Vries
Personality and Social Psychology Review 18 (2), 139-152, 2014
Explaining knowledge sharing: The role of team communication styles, job satisfaction, and performance beliefs
RE De Vries, B Van den Hooff, JA De Ridder
Communication research 33 (2), 115-135, 2006
Leadership= communication? The relations of leaders’ communication styles with leadership styles, knowledge sharing and leadership outcomes
RE De Vries, A Bakker-Pieper, W Oostenveld
Journal of business and psychology 25, 367-380, 2010
Predicting workplace delinquency and integrity with the HEXACO and five-factor models of personality structure
K Lee, MC Ashton, RE de Vries
Human performance 18 (2), 179-197, 2005
The 24-item brief HEXACO inventory (BHI)
RE De Vries
Journal of Research in Personality 47 (6), 871-880, 2013
Higher order factors of personality: Do they exist?
MC Ashton, K Lee, LR Goldberg, RE de Vries
Personality and Social Psychology Review 13 (2), 79-91, 2009
Personality predictors of leadership styles and the self–other agreement problem
RE De Vries
The Leadership Quarterly 23 (5), 809-821, 2012
A meta-analysis of the relations between personality and workplace deviance: Big Five versus HEXACO
JL Pletzer, M Bentvelzen, JK Oostrom, RE De Vries
Journal of vocational behavior 112, 369-383, 2019
Need for leadership as a moderator of the relationships between leadership and individual outcomes
RE De Vries, RA Roe, TCB Taillieu
The Leadership Quarterly 13 (2), 121-137, 2002
Traits and states: Integrating personality and affect into a model of criminal decision making
JL Van Gelder, RE De Vries
Criminology 50 (3), 637-671, 2012
The Dutch HEXACO Personality Inventory: Psychometric properties, self–other agreement, and relations with psychopathy among low and high acquaintanceship dyads
RE De Vries, K Lee, MC Ashton
Journal of personality assessment 90 (2), 142-151, 2008
The content and dimensionality of communication styles
RE De Vries, A Bakker-Pieper, R Alting Siberg, K van Gameren, M Vlug
Communication Research 36 (2), 178-206, 2009
The communication styles inventory (CSI) a six-dimensional behavioral model of communication styles and its relation with personality
RE De Vries, A Bakker-Pieper, FE Konings, B Schouten
Communication Research 40 (4), 506-532, 2013
How do people think about interdependence? A multidimensional model of subjective outcome interdependence.
FH Gerpott, D Balliet, S Columbus, C Molho, RE de Vries
Journal of personality and social psychology 115 (4), 716, 2018
The Maladaptive Personality Traits of the Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5) in Relation to the HEXACO Personality Factors and Schizotypy/Dissociation
MC Ashton, K Lee, RE de Vries, J Hendrickse, MP Born
Journal of personality disorders 26 (5), 641-659, 2012
Sensation seeking, risk-taking, and the HEXACO model of personality
RE De Vries, A de Vries, JA Feij
Personality and Individual Differences 47 (6), 536-540, 2009
The HEXACO model of personality structure and indigenous lexical personality dimensions in Italian, Dutch, and English
MC Ashton, K Lee, RE de Vries, M Perugini, A Gnisci, I Sergi
Journal of Research in Personality 40 (6), 851-875, 2006
Evolution, situational affordances, and the HEXACO model of personality
RE De Vries, JM Tybur, TV Pollet, M Van Vugt
Evolution and human behavior 37 (5), 407-421, 2016
Rethinking trait conceptions of social desirability scales: Impression management as an expression of honesty-humility
RE de Vries, I Zettler, BE Hilbig
Assessment 21 (3), 286-299, 2014
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