Chen Tian
Cited by
Cited by
BCube: a high performance, server-centric network architecture for modular data centers
C Guo, G Lu, D Li, H Wu, X Zhang, Y Shi, C Tian, Y Zhang, S Lu
Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2009 conference on Data communication, 63-74, 2009
{Information-Agnostic} flow scheduling for commodity data centers
W Bai, L Chen, K Chen, D Han, C Tian, H Wang
12th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI …, 2015
Real-Time Charging Station Recommendation System for Electric-Vehicle Taxis
Z Tian, T Jung, Y Wang, F Zhang, L Tu, C Xu, C Tian, XY Li
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 17 (11), 2016
RAPIER: Integrating Routing and Scheduling for Coflow-aware Data Center Networks
Y Zhao, K Chen, W Bai, MY USC, C Tian, Y Geng, Y Zhang, D Li, S Wang
Guaranteeing deadlines for inter-datacenter transfers
H Zhang, K Chen, W Bai, D Han, C Tian, H Wang, H Guan, M Zhang
Proceedings of the Tenth European Conference on Computer Systems, 1-14, 2015
Optimizing cost and performance for content multihoming
HH Liu, Y Wang, YR Yang, H Wang, C Tian
Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2012 conference on Applications, technologies …, 2012
Estimation of passenger route choice pattern using smart card data for complex metro systems
J Zhao, F Zhang, L Tu, C Xu, D Shen, C Tian, XY Li, Z Li
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 18 (4), 790-801, 2016
Edge provisioning with flexible server placement
H Yin, X Zhang, HH Liu, Y Luo, C Tian, S Zhao, F Li
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 28 (4), 1031-1045, 2016
A real-time passenger flow estimation and prediction method for urban bus transit systems
J Zhang, D Shen, L Tu, F Zhang, C Xu, Y Wang, C Tian, X Li, B Huang, ...
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 18 (11), 3168-3178, 2017
Safely and automatically updating in-network acl configurations with intent language
B Tian, X Zhang, E Zhai, HH Liu, Q Ye, C Wang, X Wu, Z Ji, Y Sang, ...
Proceedings of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication, 214-226, 2019
When Cloud Storage Meets RDMA
Y Gao, Q Li, L Tang, Y Xi, P Zhang, W Peng, B Li, Y Wu, S Liu, L Yan, ...
18th {USENIX} Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation …, 2021
PIAS: Practical information-agnostic flow scheduling for commodity data centers
W Bai, L Chen, K Chen, D Han, C Tian, H Wang
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 25 (4), 1954-1967, 2017
When machine learning meets congestion control: A survey and comparison
H Jiang, Q Li, Y Jiang, GB Shen, R Sinnott, C Tian, M Xu
Computer Networks 192, 108033, 2021
Localization and synchronization for 3D underwater acoustic sensor networks
C Tian, W Liu, J Jin, Y Wang, Y Mo
Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing: 4th International Conference, UIC …, 2007
CHASE: Charging and scheduling scheme for stochastic event capture in wireless rechargeable sensor networks
H Dai, Q Ma, X Wu, G Chen, DKY Yau, S Tang, XY Li, C Tian
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 19 (1), 44-59, 2018
Unlock with your heart: Heartbeat-based authentication on commercial mobile phones
L Wang, K Huang, K Sun, W Wang, C Tian, L Xie, Q Gu
Proceedings of the ACM on interactive, mobile, wearable and ubiquitous …, 2018
ROSE: Robustly safe charging for wireless power transfer
H Dai, Y Xu, G Chen, W Dou, C Tian, X Wu, T He
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 21 (6), 2180-2197, 2020
Understanding operational and charging patterns of electric vehicle taxis using GPS records
Z Tian, Y Wang, C Tian, F Zhang, L Tu, C Xu
17th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems …, 2014
PIAS: Practical information-agnostic flow scheduling for data center networks
W Bai, L Chen, K Chen, D Han, C Tian, W Sun
Proceedings of the 13th ACM workshop on hot topics in networks, 1-7, 2014
Spatiotemporal segmentation of metro trips using smart card data
F Zhang, J Zhao, C Tian, C Xu, X Liu, L Rao
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 65 (3), 1137-1149, 2015
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