Alegre Federico
Alegre Federico
ValidSoft Limited
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Spoofing and countermeasures for speaker verification: A survey
Z Wu, N Evans, T Kinnunen, J Yamagishi, F Alegre, H Li
speech communication 66, 130-153, 2015
A one-class classification approach to generalised speaker verification spoofing countermeasures using local binary patterns
F Alegre, A Amehraye, N Evans
2013 IEEE Sixth International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications …, 2013
Re-assessing the threat of replay spoofing attacks against automatic speaker verification
F Alegre, A Janicki, N Evans
2014 International conference of the biometrics special interest group …, 2014
Spoofing countermeasures to protect automatic speaker verification from voice conversion
F Alegre, A Amehraye, N Evans
2013 IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech and signal …, 2013
On the vulnerability of automatic speaker recognition to spoofing attacks with artificial signals
F Alegre, R Vipperla, N Evans, B Fauve
2012 Proceedings of the 20th european signal processing conference (EUSIPCO …, 2012
A new speaker verification spoofing countermeasure based on local binary patterns
F Alegre, R Vipperla, A Amehraye, N Evans
INTERSPEECH 2013, 14th Annual Conference of the International Speech …, 2013
An assessment of automatic speaker verification vulnerabilities to replay spoofing attacks
A Janicki, F Alegre, N Evans
Security and Communication Networks 9 (15), 3030-3044, 2016
Speaker recognition anti-spoofing
N Evans, T Kinnunen, J Yamagishi, Z Wu, F Alegre, PD Leon
Handbook of Biometric Anti-Spoofing: Trusted Biometrics under Spoofing …, 2014
Spoofing countermeasures for the protection of automatic speaker recognition from attacks with artificial signals
F Alegre, R Vipperla, N Evans
Proc. 13th Interspeech 29, 54-58, 2012
The I4U mega fusion and collaboration for NIST speaker recognition evaluation 2016
KA Lee, V Hautamäki, T Kinnunen, A Larcher, C Zhang, A Nautsch, ...
Interspeech, 1328-1332, 2017
Short-Duration Speaker Modelling with Phone Adaptive Training.
G Soldi, S Bozonnet, F Alegre, C Beaugeant, NWD Evans
Odyssey, 2014
Anti-spoofing, Voice Conversion.
NWD Evans, F Alegre, Z Wu, T Kinnunen
Encyclopedia of Biometrics, 115-122, 2015
Evasion and obfuscation in automatic speaker verification
F Alegre, G Soldi, N Evans
2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2014
Evasion and obfuscation in speaker recognition surveillance and forensics
F Alegre, G Soldi, N Evans, B Fauve, J Liu
2nd International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics, 1-6, 2014
Impact of bandwidth and channel variation on presentation attack detection for speaker verification
H Delgado, M Todisco, N Evans, M Sahidullah, WM Liu, F Alegre, ...
2017 International conference of the biometrics special interest group …, 2017
Aplicación de RNA y HMM a la Verificación Automática de Locutor
FL Alegre
IEEE Latin America Transactions 5 (5), 329-337, 2007
Anti-spoofing: voice databases
F Alegre, N Evans, T Kinnunen, Z Wu, J Yamagishi
Encyclopedia of biometrics. Springer-Verlag, US, 2014
The I4U submission to the 2016 NIST speaker recognition evaluation
KA Lee, H Sun, S Aleksandr, W Guangsen
Proc. NIST SRE 2016 Workshop, 2016
Anti-spoofing, Voice Databases.
NWD Evans, F Alegre, T Kinnunen, Z Wu, J Yamagishi
Encyclopedia of Biometrics, 123-128, 2015
Voice anti-spoofing
N Evans, T Kinnunen, J Yamagishi, Z Wu, F Alegre, P DeLeon
Handbook of biometric antispoofing, S. Marcel, SZ Li, and M. Nixon, Eds …, 2014
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