Sampath Kumar Yerra
Sampath Kumar Yerra
Capgemini Technology Services Limited
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Void growth and coalescence in single crystals
SK Yerra, C Tekog, F Scheyvaerts, L Delannay, P Van Houtte, T Pardoen
International Journal of Solids and Structures 47 (7-8), 1016-1029, 2010
The Facet method: A hierarchical multilevel modelling scheme for anisotropic convex plastic potentials
P Van Houtte, SK Yerra, A Van Bael
International Journal of Plasticity 25 (2), 332-360, 2009
A macro-and micromechanics investigation of hot cracking in duplex steels
G Martin, SK Yerra, Y Bréchet, M Véron, JD Mithieux, B Chéhab, ...
Acta Materialia 60 (11), 4646-4660, 2012
Ductile fracture initiated by interface nucleation in two-phase elastoplastic systems
SK Yerra, G Martin, M Veron, Y Brechet, JD Mithieux, L Delannay, ...
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 102, 77-100, 2013
Effect of strain path and the magnitude of prestrain on the formability of a low carbon steel: On the textural and microtextural developments
SK Yerra, HV Vankudre, PP Date, I Samajdar
J. Eng. Mater. Technol. 126 (1), 53-61, 2004
On crystallographic texture of as-drawn doped-W wires
SK Yerra, B Verlinden, P Van Houtte
Materials science forum 495, 913-918, 2005
Effect of in-plane biaxial strain paths on the variation of normal anisotropy and texture of steel sheet
HV Vankudre, PP Date, I Samajdar, SK Yerra
Journal of materials processing technology 125, 756-763, 2002
The Facet Method for the Description of Yield Loci of Textured Materials
SK Yerra, A Van Bael, P Van Houtte
Microstructure and Texture in Steels, 445-450, 2009
Duplex stainless steel microstructural developments as model microstructures for hot ductility investigations
G Martin, M Véron, B Chéhab, R Fourmentin, JD Mithieux, SK Yerra, ...
Solid state phenomena 172, 350-355, 2011
A coupled multiscale model of texture evolution and plastic anisotropy
J Gawad, A Van Bael, SK Yerra, G Samaey, P Van Houtte, D Roose
AIP Conference Proceedings 1252 (1), 770-777, 2010
Characterization of the hot cracking resistance using the Essential Work of Fracture (EWF): application to duplex stainless steels
G Martin, M Veron, Y Brechet, B Chehab, R Fourmentin, JD Mithieux, ...
Rem: Revista Escola de Minas 66, 145-151, 2013
A Numerical study on damage nucleation in duplex stainless steels
SK Yerra, G Martin, M Willemet, M Véron, Y Bréchet, R Fourmentin, ...
Duplex World 2010 Conference, 2010
Determination of the high temperature micro-scle strain distribution-Application to Duplex Stainless Steel
G Martin, D Caldemaison, M Bornert, C Pinna, M Véron, B Chéhab, ...
Duplex Stainless Steels Conference and Exhibition, 2010
Hierarchical Multi‐Level Modelling of Plastic Anisotropy using Convex Plastic Potentials
P Van Houtte, SK Yerra, A Van Bael
Materials Processing and Texture, 817-825, 2009
Texture‐Based Plastic Potentials in Stress Space
A Van Bael, SK Yerra, P Van Houtte
Materials Processing and Texture, 809-815, 2008
Characterization of the Hot Cracking Resistance using the Essential Work of Fracture
G Martin, Y Bréchet, M Véron, JD Mithieux, R Fourmentin, B Chéhab, ...
10th Stainless Steel Brazilian Conference, 2010
Caracterização da resistência ao trincamento a quente com base nos trabalhos esssenciais de mecânica da fratura: aplicação aos aços inoxidáveis duplex
G Martin, M Veron, Y Brechet, B Chehab, R Fourmentin, JD Mithieux, ...
Rem: Revista Escola de Minas 66, 145-151, 2013
Void growth and coalescence in ductile solids with physics based hardening laws
T Pardoen, F Scheyvaerts, A Simar, KL Nielsen, V Tvergaard, SK Yerra, ...
IAMI & CANMET Workshop-Microstructural effects on damage, fracture and …, 2011
Damage Nucleation and Growth in Dual-phase Materials
SK Yerra, G Martin, M Véron, Y Bréchet, R Fourmentin, JD Mithieux, ...
International Conference on Computational Modeling of Fracture and Failure …, 2011
Ductile Damage in Single Crystals and Anisotropic Polycrystals (Duktiele schade in eenkristallen en anisotrope polykristallen)
SK Yerra
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Articles 1–20