Peter Devreotes, Professor of Cell Biology
Peter Devreotes, Professor of Cell Biology
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
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Cited by
Electrical signals control wound healing through phosphatidylinositol-3-OH kinase-γ and PTEN
M Zhao, B Song, J Pu, T Wada, B Reid, G Tai, F Wang, A Guo, ...
Nature 442 (7101), 457-460, 2006
A cell's sense of direction
CA Parent, PN Devreotes
Science 284 (5415), 765-770, 1999
Chemotaxis: signalling the way forward
PJM Van Haastert, PN Devreotes
Nature reviews Molecular cell biology 5 (8), 626-634, 2004
Chemotaxis in Eukaryotic Cells: A Focus on Leukocytes and Dictyostelium
PN Devreotes, SH Zigmond
Annual review of cell biology 4 (1), 649-686, 1988
Tumor suppressor PTEN mediates sensing of chemoattractant gradients
M Iijima, P Devreotes
Cell 109 (5), 599-610, 2002
G protein signaling events are activated at the leading edge of chemotactic cells
CA Parent, BJ Blacklock, WM Froehlich, DB Murphy, PN Devreotes
Cell 95 (1), 81-91, 1998
Eukaryotic chemotaxis: a network of signaling pathways controls motility, directional sensing, and polarity
KF Swaney, CH Huang, PN Devreotes
Annual review of biophysics 39 (1), 265-289, 2010
Receptor-mediated activation of heterotrimeric G-proteins in living cells
C Janetopoulos, T Jin, P Devreotes
Science 291 (5512), 2408-2411, 2001
Eukaryotic chemotaxis: distinctions between directional sensing and polarization
P Devreotes, C Janetopoulos
Journal of biological chemistry 278 (23), 20445-20448, 2003
A Chemoattractant Receptor Controls Development in Dictyostelium discoideum
PS Klein, TJ Sun, CL Saxe III, AR Kimmel, RL Johnson, PN Devreotes
Science 241 (4872), 1467-1472, 1988
Adenosine 3′,5′-Monophosphate Waves in Dictyostelium discoideum: a Demonstration by Isotope Dilution—Fluorography
KJ Tomchik, PN Devreotes
Science 212 (4493), 443-446, 1981
Single-molecule analysis of chemotactic signaling in Dictyostelium cells
M Ueda, Y Sako, T Tanaka, P Devreotes, T Yanagida
Science 294 (5543), 864-867, 2001
Dictyostelium discoideum: a model system for cell-cell interactions in development
P Devreotes
Science 245 (4922), 1054-1058, 1989
Acetylcholine receptor turnover in membranes of developing muscle fibers.
PN Devreotes, DM Fambrough
The Journal of cell biology 65 (2), 335-358, 1975
Signaling networks that regulate cell migration
P Devreotes, AR Horwitz
Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in biology 7 (8), a005959, 2015
Temporal and spatial regulation of chemotaxis
M Iijima, YE Huang, P Devreotes
Developmental cell 3 (4), 469-478, 2002
Localization of the G protein βγ complex in living cells during chemotaxis
T Jin, N Zhang, Y Long, CA Parent, PN Devreotes
Science 287 (5455), 1034-1036, 2000
Structurally distinct and stage-specific adenylyl cyclase genes play different roles in Dictyostelium development
GS Pitt, N Milona, J Borleis, KC Lin, RR Reed, PN Devreotes
Cell 69 (2), 305-315, 1992
Navigating through models of chemotaxis
PA Iglesias, PN Devreotes
Current opinion in cell biology 20 (1), 35-40, 2008
A phosphorylation-dependent intramolecular interaction regulates the membrane association and activity of the tumor suppressor PTEN
M Rahdar, T Inoue, T Meyer, J Zhang, F Vazquez, PN Devreotes
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (2), 480-485, 2009
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Articles 1–20