Karla Andrea Lobos Peña
Karla Andrea Lobos Peña
Jefa Área Investigación Educativa, IDEClab, Dirección de Docencia, Universidad de Concepción
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Percepción docente respecto al trabajo pedagógico durante la COVID-19
V Ramos-Huenteo, H García-Vásquez, C Olea-González, K Lobos-Peña, ...
CienciAmérica 9 (2), 334-353, 2020
Return to university classrooms with blended learning: A possible post-pandemic COVID-19 scenario
R Cobo-Rendón, C Bruna Jofre, K Lobos, N Cisternas San Martin, ...
Frontiers in education 7, 957175, 2022
Disposición al estudio, autoeficacia y atribuciones causales en estudiantes universitarios chilenos
FM Sáez, CE Bustos, MV Pérez, JA Mella, KA Lobos, AE Díaz
Propósitos y representaciones 6 (1), 199-245, 2018
Expectations and experiences with online education during the COVID-19 pandemic in university students
K Lobos, R Cobo-Rendón, J Mella-Norambuena, A Maldonado-Trapp, ...
Frontiers in psychology 12, 815564, 2022
Smartphone use among undergraduate STEM students during COVID-19: An opportunity for higher education?
J Mella-Norambuena, R Cobo-Rendón, K Lobos, F Sáez-Delgado, ...
Education Sciences 11 (8), 417, 2021
Professors' expectations about online education and its relationship with characteristics of university entrance and students' academic performance during the COVID-19 pandemic
K Lobos Peña, C Bustos-Navarrete, R Cobo-Rendón, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 642391, 2021
Percepción docente respecto al trabajo pedagógico durante la COVID-19. CienciAmérica, 9 (2), 334-353
V Ramos-Huenteo, H García-Vásquez, C Olea-González, K Lobos-Peña, ...
Perceived social support and engagement in first-year students: the mediating role of belonging during COVID-19
J Maluenda-Albornoz, J Berríos-Riquelme, V Infante-Villagrán, ...
Sustainability 15 (1), 597, 2022
Design, validity and effect of an intra-curricular program for facilitating self-regulation of learning competences in university students with the support of the 4planning app
K Lobos, F Sáez-Delgado, D Bruna, R Cobo-Rendón, A Díaz-Mujica
Education Sciences 11 (8), 449, 2021
Revisión sistemática sobre instrumentos de autorregulación del aprendizaje diseñados para estudiantes
V León-Ron, FM SAEZ, JA MELLA, M Posso-Yépez, CA RAMOS, ...
Revista Espacios 41 (11), 2020
Longitudinal analysis of teacher technology acceptance and its relationship to resource viewing and academic performance of college students during the COVID-19 pandemic
R Cobo-Rendon, K Lobos Peña, J Mella-Norambuena, ...
Sustainability 13 (21), 12167, 2021
Lessons learned from the educational experience during COVID-19 from the perspective of Latin American university students
K Lobos, R Cobo-Rendón, D García-Álvarez, J Maldonado-Mahauad, ...
Sustainability 15 (3), 2341, 2023
Construction and psychometric characteristics of the Self-Concept Scale of Interaction in the Classroom
KL Peña, AD Mújica, CB Navarrete, MVP Villalobos
Psicothema, 151-158, 2015
Fomento de la autorregulación del aprendizaje desde una comprensión cualitativa durante la pandemia de covid-19
F Sáez-Delgado, K Lobos-Peña, Y López-Angulo, J Mella-Norambuena, ...
Revista mexicana de investigación educativa 28 (96), 159-186, 2023
Fortalezas del carácter como predictores de personalidad resistente académica y compromiso académico
PR Arias, FE García, K Lobos, SC Flores
Psychology, Society & Education 12 (2), 19-32, 2020
Características psicométricas de un cuestionario de expectativas hacia la educación virtual en estudiantes universitarios durante la pandemia COVID-19
K Lobos, C Bustos, RC Cobo-Rendón, NV Cisternas
Formación universitaria 15 (1), 3-18, 2022
Learning beliefs, time on platform, and academic performance during the COVID-19 in university STEM students
K Lobos, F Sáez-Delgado, R Cobo-Rendón, J Mella Norambuena, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 780852, 2021
Percepción docente respecto al trabajo pedagógico durante la COVID-19. CienciAmérica, 9 (2), 334-353
V Ramos, H García, C Olea, K Lobos, F Sáez
Escala de estrategias de disposición al estudio en universitarios: propiedades psicométricas
F Sáez-Delgado, C Bustos Navarrete, K Lobos Peña, ...
Revista electrónica de investigación educativa 23, 2021
Impact of teacher training on academic self-concept and educational outcomes
K Lobos, C Bustos, A Díaz
Universidad de Almería, 2019
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