Jamaal Young
Cited by
Cited by
Teacher noticing: A systematic literature review of conceptualizations, research designs, and findings on learning to notice
J König, R Santagata, T Scheiner, AK Adleff, X Yang, G Kaiser
Educational Research Review 36, 100453, 2022
STEMulating Interest: A Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Out-of-School Time on Student STEM Interest.
J Young, N Ortiz, J Young
International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology 5 …, 2017
Standing in the gaps: Examining the effects of early gifted education on Black girl achievement in STEM
JL Young, JR Young, DY Ford
Journal of Advanced Academics 28 (4), 290-312, 2017
Technology-enhanced mathematics instruction: A second-order meta-analysis of 30 years of research
J Young
Educational Research Review 22, 19-33, 2017
Culturally relevant STEM out-of-school time: A rationale to support gifted girls of color
JL Young, JR Young, DY Ford
Roeper Review 41 (1), 8-19, 2019
A student saved is not a dollar earned: A meta-analysis of school disparities in discipline practice toward Black children
JL Young, BR Butler
Taboo: The Journal of Culture and Education 17 (4), 6, 2018
The use of confidence intervals as a meta-analytic lens to summarize the effects of teacher education technology courses on preservice teacher TPACK
JR Young, JL Young, C Hamilton
Journal of Research on Technology in Education 46 (2), 149-172, 2013
Black Girls' Achievement in Middle Grades Mathematics: How Can Socializing Agents Help?
JL Young, JR Young, MM Capraro
The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas 90 …, 2017
Maximizing opportunities to enroll in advanced high school science courses: Examining the scientific dispositions of Black girls.
JL Young, I Ero-Tolliver, JR Young, DY Ford
Journal of Urban Learning, Teaching, and Research 13, 174-183, 2017
Technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) literature using confidence intervals
JR Young, JL Young, Z Shaker
TechTrends 56, 25-33, 2012
Evaluating the effects of professional development on urban mathematics teachers TPACK using confidence intervals
JR Young, J Young, C Hamilton, SS Pratt
REDIMAT 8 (3), 312-338, 2019
Technology integration in mathematics education: Examining the quality of meta-analytic research
JR Young
International Journal on Emerging Mathematics Education 1 (1), 71-86, 2017
Gazing past the gaps: A growth-based assessment of the mathematics achievement of Black girls
JL Young, JR Young, RM Capraro
The Urban Review 50, 156-176, 2018
An examination of mathematics achievement and growth in a midwestern urban school district: Implications for teachers and administrators
RM Capraro, JR Young, CW Lewis, ZE Yetkiner, MN Woods
Journal of Urban Mathematics Education 2 (2), 46-65, 2009
The Black male teacher: A 10-year content analysis of empirical research
J Young, J Young
Men Educators of Color in US Public Schools and Abroad, 47-64, 2023
Out of School and into STEM
JL Young, JR Young, NA Paufler
Journal of Interdisciplinary Teacher Leadership (JoITL) Vol 2 (1), 2017
Technology effectiveness in the mathematics classroom: A systematic review of meta-analytic research
J Young, F Gorumek, C Hamilton
Journal of Computers in Education 5 (2), 133-148, 2018
Black Girls as Learners and Doers of Science: A Single-Group Summary of Elementary Science Achievement.
JL Young, KK Feille, JR Young
Electronic Journal of Science Education 21 (2), 1-20, 2017
The structural relationship between out-of-school time enrichment and black student participation in advanced science
J Young, J Young
Journal for the Education of the Gifted 41 (1), 43-59, 2018
Young, Black, and anxious: Describing the Black student mathematics anxiety research using confidence intervals.
JR Young, JL Young
Journal of Urban Mathematics Education 9 (1), 79-93, 2016
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Articles 1–20