Abhishek Sahu
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Cited by
Fatty acids as biomarkers of microalgae
A Sahu, I Pancha, D Jain, C Paliwal, T Ghosh, S Patidar, S Bhattacharya, ...
Phytochemistry 89, 53-58, 2013
Sensing of Phosphates by Using Luminescent EuIII and TbIII Complexes: Application to the Microalgal Cell Chlorella vulgaris
S Nadella, J Sahoo, PS Subramanian, A Sahu, S Mishra, M Albrecht
Chemistry-A European Journal 20 (20), 6047-6053, 2014
Engine worthy fatty acid methyl ester (biodiesel) from naturally occuring marine microalgal mats and marine microalgae cultured in open salt pans together with value addition …
SCP Mishra, PK Ghosh, MR Gandhi, S Bhattacharya, S Maiti, ...
US Patent App. 14/119,065, 2012
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–3