Wendy Aguilar
Wendy Aguilar
Deparment of Computer Science, IIMAS, UNAM
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A robust graph transformation matching for non-rigid registration
W Aguilar, Y Frauel, F Escolano, ME Martinez-Perez, A Espinosa-Romero, ...
Image and Vision Computing 27 (7), 897-910, 2009
The past, present, and future of artificial life
W Aguilar, G Santamaría-Bonfil, T Froese, C Gershenson
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 1, 8, 2014
Dev ER: A computational model of early cognitive development as a creative process
W Aguilar, RP y Pérez
Cognitive Systems Research 33, 17-41, 2015
Graph-based methods for retinal mosaicing and vascular characterization
W Aguilar, ME Martinez-Perez, Y Frauel, F Escolano, MA Lozano, ...
International Workshop on Graph-Based Representations in Pattern Recognition …, 2007
Constellations and the unsupervised learning of graphs
B Bonev, F Escolano, MA Lozano, P Suau, MA Cazorla, W Aguilar
Graph-Based Representations in Pattern Recognition: 6th IAPR-TC-15 …, 2007
A measure of shape dissimilarity for 3D curves
E Bribiesca, W Aguilar
International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences 1 (15), 727-751, 2006
Mirror symmetry detection in curves represented by means of the Slope Chain Code
M Alvarado-Gonzalez, W Aguilar, E Garduño, C Velarde, E Bribiesca, ...
Pattern Recognition 87, 67-79, 2019
Contextual visual localization: cascaded submap classification, optimized saliency detection, and fast view matching
F Escolano, B Bonev, P Suau, W Aguilar, Y Frauel, JM Saez, M Cazorla
Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2007. IROS 2007. IEEE/RSJ International …, 2007
Detection of rotational symmetry in curves represented by the slope chain code
W Aguilar, M Alvarado-Gonzalez, E Garduno, C Velarde, E Bribiesca
Pattern Recognition 107, 107421, 2020
Criteria for evaluating early creative behavior in computational agents
W Aguilar, R Pérez y Pérez
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computational …, 2014
Emergence of eye–hand coordination as a creative process in an artificial developmental agent
W Aguilar, R Perez y Perez
Adaptive Behavior 25 (6), 289-314, 2017
Region and constellations based categorization of images with unsupervised graph learning
MA Lozano, F Escolano, B Bonev, P Suau, W Aguilar, JM Saez, ...
Image and Vision Computing 27 (7), 960-978, 2009
Symmetry detection in 3D chain coded discrete curves and trees
W Aguilar, E Bribiesca
Pattern Recognition 48 (4), 1420-1439, 2015
The past, present and future of artificial life Front
W Aguilar, G Santamaría-Bonfil, T Froese, C Gershenson
Robot. AI 1 (8), 2014
La configuración de la identidad juvenil frente a fenómenos de globalización cultural: un estudio sobre la participación de jóvenes de sectores urbanos en fiestas de música …
W Aguilar, D Monge
Tesis de graduación para optar por el grado de Licenciatura en Psicología …, 2005
Vision-based localization for mobile robots using a set of known views
P Frank-Bolton, AM Alvarado-González, W Aguilar, Y Frauel
Advances in Visual Computing, 195-204, 2008
The Past, Present, and Future of Artificial Life, Frontiers in Robotics and AI V. 1.
W Aguilar, G Santamaría-Bonfil, T Froese, C Gershenson
Doi, 2020
On the Selection of a Classification Technique for the Representation and Recognition of Dynamic Gestures
HH Avilés, W Aguilar, LA Pineda
Advances in Artificial Intelligence–IBERAMIA 2008, 412-421, 2008
Integrating Graph-Based Vision Perception to Spoken Conversation in Human-Robot Interaction
W Aguilar, LA Pineda
Bio-Inspired Systems: Computational and Ambient Intelligence, 789-796, 2009
A computer model of a developmental agent to support creative-like behavior
WE Aguilar, R Perez
2013 AAAI Spring Symposium Series, 2013
El sistema no puede realizar la operación en estos momentos. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.
Artículos 1–20