Michelle Frazier Trotman Scott
Cited by
Cited by
Key theories and frameworks for improving the recruitment and retention of African American students in gifted education
DY Ford, JL Moore III, MT Scott
Journal of Negro Education 80 (3), 239-253, 2011
Gifted education and culturally different students: Examining prejudice and discrimination via microaggressions
DY Ford, MT Scott, JL Moore III, SO Amos
Gifted Child Today 36 (3), 205-208, 2013
A culturally responsive equity-based bill of rights for gifted students of color
DY Ford, KT Dickson, JL Davis, MT Scott, TC Grantham
Gifted Child Today 41 (3), 125-129, 2018
A matter of equity: Desegregating and integrating gifted and talented education for under-represented students of color
DY Ford, BL Wright, M Trotman Scott
Multicultural Perspectives 22 (1), 28-36, 2020
Socio-Emotional and Psychological Issues and Needs of Gifted African-American Students: Culture Matters.
MT Scott
Interdisciplinary Journal of Teaching and Learning 2 (1), 23-33, 2012
Using the Blooms–Banks matrix to develop multicultural differentiated lessons for gifted students
MT Scott
Gifted Child Today 37 (3), 163-168, 2014
Preparing teacher education candidates to work with students with disabilities and gifts and talents
MT Scott, DY Ford
Studying diversity in teacher education, 201-217, 2011
Gifted and advanced Black students in school: An anthology of critical works
TC Grantham, DY Ford, M Henfield, M Trotman Scott, D Harmon, ...
Waco, TX: Prufrock, 2011
Resisting Dark Chocolate: A Journey through Racial Identity and Deficit Thinking: A Case Study and Solutions.
M Trotman Scott
Interdisciplinary Journal of Teaching and Learning 4 (1), 43-55, 2014
Culturally responsive response to intervention: Meeting the needs of students who are gifted and culturally different
DY Ford, MT Scott
Implementing RtI With Gifted Students, 209-227, 2021
We Need More Drama: A Comparison of Ford, Hurston, and Boykin's African American Characteristics and Instructional Strategies for the Culturally Different Classroom.
M Trotman Scott, S Moss-Bouldin
Interdisciplinary Journal of Teaching and Learning 4 (2), 68-80, 2014
Young, triumphant, and Black: Overcoming the tyranny of segregated minds in desegregated schools
TC Grantham, MFT Scott, DA Harmon
Prufrock Press Incorporated, 2013
Under-representation of African American students in gifted education: Nine theories and frameworks for information, understanding, and change
D Ford, M Trotman Scott
Gifted Education Press Quarterly 24 (3), 2-6, 2010
Growth hormone responsive dermatosis in three dogs
AG Bell, BR Jones, MF Scott
New Zealand Veterinary Journal 41 (4), 195-199, 1993
Evaluating gifted education programs using an equity-based and culturally responsive checklist to recruit and retain under-represented students of color
DY Ford, JL Davis, KT Dickson, MFT Scott, TC Grantham, JL Moore III, ...
Journal of Minority Achievement, Creativity, and Leadership 1 (1), 119-146, 2020
Faculty of color navigating higher education
KH Brown, PA McHatton, MFT Scott
Rowman & Littlefield, 2016
Culturally responsive and relevant curriculum: The revised Bloom-Banks matrix
DY Ford, MFT Scott
Introduction to curriculum design in gifted education, 331-349, 2021
Multicultural: multicultural pathways to STEM: engaging young gifted black boys using the color-coded bloom-banks matrix
BL Wright, DY Ford, MT Scott
Gifted Child Today 40 (4), 212-217, 2017
About FACE: Increasing the identification of African American males with dual exceptionalities
MFT Scott
Journal of African American Males in Education (JAAME) 7 (1), 98-1117, 2016
Case report: false negative serum cryptococcal latex agglutination test in a patient with disseminated cryptococcal disease
N Navabi, M Montebatsi, M Scott, SJ Gluckman, MJA Reid
Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (JIAPAC …, 2015
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Articles 1–20