António Carrizo Moreira
António Carrizo Moreira
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Influence of sensory stimuli on brand experience, brand equity and purchase intention
AC Moreira, N Fortes, R Santiago
Journal of Business Economics and Management 18 (1), 68-83, 2017
Single minute exchange of die: a case study implementation
A Carrizo Moreira, G Campos Silva Pais
Journal of technology management & innovation 6 (1), 129-146, 2011
The trust-commitment challenge in service quality-loyalty relationships
AC Moreira, PM Silva
International journal of health care quality assurance 28 (3), 253-266, 2015
SME internationalization research: Mapping the state of the art
CP Ribau, AC Moreira, M Raposo
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne des Sciences de …, 2018
The effects of brand experiences on quality, satisfaction and loyalty: An empirical study in the telecommunications multiple-play service market
A Carrizo-Moreira, PM Freitas-da Silva, VM Ferreira-Moutinho
Innovar 27 (64), 23-36, 2017
The influence of supply chain on the innovation process: a systematic literature review
R Zimmermann, LM DF Ferreira, A Carrizo Moreira
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 21 (3), 289-304, 2016
The driving forces of change in energy-related CO2 emissions in Eastern, Western, Northern and Southern Europe: The LMDI approach to decomposition analysis
V Moutinho, AC Moreira, PM Silva
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 50, 1485-1499, 2015
SMEs innovation capabilities and export performance: an entrepreneurial orientation view
CP Ribau, AC Moreira, M Raposo
Journal of Business Economics and Management 18 (5), 920-934, 2017
The importance of non-financial determinants on public–private partnerships in Europe
J Mota, AC Moreira
International Journal of Project Management 33 (7), 1563-1575, 2015
Ownership concentration, contestability, family firms, and capital structure
MS Santos, AC Moreira, ES Vieira
Journal of Management & Governance 18, 1063-1107, 2014
Gamification approaches to the early stage of innovation
R Patrício, AC Moreira, F Zurlo
Creativity and Innovation Management 27 (4), 499-511, 2018
Employees' perception of corporate social responsibility and performance: the mediating roles of job satisfaction, organizational commitment and organizational trust
P Silva, AC Moreira, J Mota
Journal of Strategy and Management 16 (1), 92-111, 2023
Co‐creation of new solutions through gamification: A collaborative innovation practice
R Patricio, A Moreira, F Zurlo, M Melazzini
Creativity and Innovation Management 29 (1), 146-160, 2020
Internationalisation of the firm theories: A schematic synthesis
CP Ribau, AC Moreira, M Raposo
International Journal of Business and Globalisation 15 (4), 528-554, 2015
Social enterprise performance: The role of market and social entrepreneurship orientations
P Pinheiro, A Daniel, A Moreira
VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 32 …, 2021
O processo de inovação
J Dantas, AC Moreira
Lisbon: Lidel, 2011
An empirical analysis of the relationship between supply chain strategies, product characteristics, environmental uncertainty and performance
R Zimmermann, LMDF Ferreira, AC Moreira
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 25 (3), 375-391, 2020
The crucial relationship among energy commodity prices: Evidence from the Spanish electricity market
V Moutinho, J Vieira, AC Moreira
Energy Policy 39 (10), 5898-5908, 2011
Enhancing design thinking approaches to innovation through gamification
R Patrício, AC Moreira, F Zurlo
European Journal of Innovation Management 24 (5), 1569-1594, 2021
Leadership styles and innovation management: What is the role of human capital?
J Costa, M Pádua, AC Moreira
Administrative Sciences 13 (2), 47, 2023
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