Jennifer Nicoll Victor
Jennifer Nicoll Victor
Associate Professor of Political Science, George Mason University
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Bridging the information gap: Legislative member organizations as social networks in the United States and the European Union
N Ringe, JN Victor
University of Michigan Press, 2013
Dynamic agenda-setting on the United States Supreme Court: An empirical assessment
L Epstein, JA Segal, JN Victor
Harv. J. on Legis. 39, 395, 2002
The Oxford handbook of political networks
JN Victor, AH Montgomery, M Lubell
Oxford University Press, 2017
Strategic lobbying: Demonstrating how legislative context affects interest groups' lobbying tactics
J Nicoll Victor
American Politics Research 35 (6), 826-845, 2007
Keeping your friends close and your enemies closer? Information networks in legislative politics
N Ringe, JN Victor, JH Gross
British journal of political science 43 (3), 601-628, 2013
The social utility of informal institutions: Caucuses as networks in the 110th US House of Representatives
JN Victor, N Ringe
American Politics Research 37 (5), 742-766, 2009
Waiting to vote in the 2016 presidential election: Evidence from a multi-county study
RM Stein, C Mann, C Stewart III, Z Birenbaum, A Fung, J Greenberg, ...
Political Research Quarterly 73 (2), 439-453, 2020
Polarized agents: Campaign contributions by lobbyists
G Koger, JN Victor
PS: Political Science & Politics 42 (3), 485-488, 2009
The institutional effect on majority rule instability: Bicameralism in spatial policy decisions
WP Bottom, CL Eavey, GJ Miller, JN Victor
American Journal of Political Science, 523-540, 2000
Legislating versus campaigning: The legislative behavior of higher office-seekers
J Nicoll Victor
American Politics Research 39 (1), 3-31, 2011
Financing friends: How lobbyists create a web of relationships among members of Congress
JN Victor, G Koger
Interest Groups & Advocacy 5, 224-262, 2016
Legislative networks
N Ringe, JN Victor, WT Cho
The Oxford Handbook of Political Networks, 471, 2017
The beltway network: A network analysis of lobbyists' donations to members of congress
G Koger, JN Victor
APSA 2009 Toronto Meeting Paper, 2009
Competing for the platform: How organized interests affect party positioning in the United States
JN Victor, GY Reinhardt
Party Politics 24 (3), 265-277, 2018
Introduction: The emergence of the study of networks in politics
JN Victor, AH Montgomery, M Lubell
The international trade network: Empirics and modeling
G Fagiolo
Explaining reelection in the European elections 2014: Expertise, influence, and intergroups
J Van Thomme, N Ringe, JN Victor
Die Europawahl 2014: Spitzenkandidaten, Protestparteien, Nichtwähler, 335-344, 2015
Social networks in the brazilian electorate
B Ames, A Baker, AE Smith
The emergence of organizations and states
JF Padgett, JN Victor, AH Montgomery, M Lubell
The Oxford Handbook of Political Networks, 59, 2017
Mark Lubell, eds
JN Victor, AH Montgomery
The Oxford Handbook of Political Networks, 2017
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