Luciana D’Adderio
Luciana D’Adderio
Professorial Chancellor’s Fellow, University of Edinburgh & Turing Fellow, The Alan Turing Institute
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Cited by
Beyond routines as things: Introduction to the special issue on routine dynamics
MS Feldman, BT Pentland, L D’Adderio, N Lazaric
Organization science 27 (3), 505-513, 2016
The performativity of routines: Theorising the influence of artefacts and distributed agencies on routines dynamics
L D'Adderio
Research Policy 37 (5), 769-789, 2008
Artifacts at the centre of routines: performing the material turn in routines theory
L D'Adderio
Journal of Institutional Economics 6, 1-34, 2010
Crafting the virtual prototype: how firms integrate knowledge and capabilities across organisational boundaries
L D'Adderio
Research Policy 30 (9), 1409-1424, 2001
The replication dilemma unravelled: How organizations enact multiple goals in routine transfer
L D’Adderio
Organization Science 25 (5), 1325-1350, 2014
Give me a two-by-two matrix and I will create the market: Rankings, graphic visualisations and sociomateriality
N Pollock, L D’Adderio
Accounting, Organizations and Society 37 (8), 565-586, 2012
Configuring software, reconfiguring memories: the influence of integrated systems on the reproduction of knowledge and routines
L D'Adderio
Industrial and Corporate Change 12 (2), 321, 2003
Performing modularity: Competing rules, performative struggles and the effect of organizational theories on the organization
L D’adderio, N Pollock
Organization studies 35 (12), 1813-1843, 2014
The biography of an algorithm: Performing algorithmic technologies in organizations
VL Glaser, N Pollock, L D’Adderio
Organization Theory 2 (2), 26317877211004609, 2021
Cambridge handbook of routine dynamics
MS Feldman, L D'Adderio, BT Pentland, K Dittrich, C Rerup, D Seidl
Cambridge University Press, 2021
Conforming or transforming? How organizations respond to multiple rankings
N Pollock, L D'Adderio, R Williams, L Leforestier
Accounting, Organizations and Society 64, 55-68, 2018
Inside the virtual product: How organizations create knowledge through software
L D'Adderio
Edward Elgar Pub, 2004
Performing theories, transforming organizations: A reply to Marti and Gond
L D’Adderio, V Glaser, N Pollock
Academy of Management Review 44 (3), 676-679, 2019
From pitching to briefing: Extending entrepreneurial storytelling to new audiences
D Chapple, N Pollock, L D’Adderio
Organization Studies 43 (5), 773-795, 2022
Making routines the same: Crafting similarity and singularity in routines transfer
L D'Adderio, N Pollock
Research Policy 49 (8), 104029, 2020
Post local forms of repair: The (extended) situation of virtualised technical support
N Pollock, R Williams, L D’Adderio, C Grimm
Information and Organization 19 (4), 253-276, 2009
Materiality and routine dynamics
L D’Adderio
Cambridge handbook of routine dynamics, 85-99, 2021
Routine dynamics in action: Replication and transformation
MS Feldman, L D’Aderio, K Dittrich, P Jarzabkowski
Emerald Publishing Limited, 2019
Call for Papers—Special Issue on Routine Dynamics: Exploring Sources of Stability and Change in Organizations Submission Deadline: September 1, 2013
L d'Adderio, MS Feldman, N Lazaric, BT Pentland
Organization Science 23 (6), 1782-1783, 2012
Introduction: Routine dynamics in action
MS Feldman, L D’adderio, K Dittrich, P Jarzabkowski
Routine dynamics in action: Replication and transformation 61, 1-10, 2019
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Articles 1–20