Kai-Hsiang Yang
Kai-Hsiang Yang
National Taipei University of Education
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Cited by
Roles and research trends of artificial intelligence in higher education: A systematic review of the top 50 most-cited articles
HC Chu, GH Hwang, YF Tu, KH Yang
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 38 (3), 22-42, 2022
Author name disambiguation for citations using topic and web correlation
KH Yang, HT Peng, JY Jiang, HM Lee, JM Ho
International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, 185-196, 2008
Learning behavior and achievement analysis of a digital game-based learning approach integrating mastery learning theory and different feedback models
KH Yang
Learning Analytics, 93-106, 2018
Towards the successful game-based learning: Detection and feedback to misconceptions is the key
KH Yang, BC Lu
Computers & Education 160, 104033, 2021
The WebQuest model effects on mathematics curriculum learning in elementary school students
KH Yang
Computers & Education 72, 158-166, 2014
What increases learning retention: employing the prediction-observation-explanation learning strategy in digital game-based learning
KH Yang, HH Chen
Interactive Learning Environments 31 (6), 3898-3913, 2023
BibPro: A citation parser based on sequence alignment
CC Chen, KH Yang, CL Chen, JM Ho
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 24 (2), 236-250, 2010
Antsearch: An ant search algorithm in unstructured peer-to-peer networks
KH Yang, CJ Wu, JM Ho
IEICE Transactions on Communications 89 (9), 2300-2308, 2006
Effects of a progressive prompting-based educational game on second graders' mathematics learning performance and behavioral patterns
KH Yang, HC Chu, LY Chiang
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 21 (2), 322-334, 2018
Antsearch: An ant search algorithm in unstructured peer-to-peer networks
CJ Wu, KH Yang, JM Ho
11th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'06), 429-434, 2006
A reviewer recommendation system based on collaborative intelligence
KH Yang, TL Kuo, HM Lee, JM Ho
2009 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and …, 2009
Proof: A dht-based peer-to-peer search engine
KH Yang, JM Ho
2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2006 Main …, 2006
BibPro: A Citation parser based on sequence alignment techniques
CC Chen, KH Yang, HY Kao, JM Ho
22nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and …, 2008
EFS: Expert finding system based on Wikipedia link pattern analysis
KH Yang, CY Chen, HM Lee, JM Ho
2008 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 631-635, 2008
Secure online examination architecture based on distributed firewall
CC Pan, KH Yang, TL Lee
IEEE International Conference on e-Technology, e-Commerce and e-Service …, 2004
Extracting citation relationships from web documents for author disambiguation
KH Yang, JY Jiang, HM Lee, JM Ho
TR-IIS-06-017, 2006
Web appearance disambiguation of personal names based on network motif
KH Yang, KY Chiou, HM Lee, JM Ho
2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2006 Main …, 2006
A peer-assessment mobile Kung Fu education approach to improving students' Affective performances
FC Kuo, JM Chen, HC Chu, KH Yang, YH Chen
Learning and Performance Assessment: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and …, 2020
Development and application of a repertory grid-oriented knowledge construction augmented reality learning system for context-aware ubiquitous learning
HC Chu, JM Chen, KH Yang, CW Lin
International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation 10 (1-2), 40-60, 2016
A time sequence-oriented concept map approach to developing educational computer games for history courses
HC Chu, KH Yang, JH Chen
Interactive Learning Environments 23 (2), 212-229, 2015
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Articles 1–20