Leading mindfully: Two studies on the influence of supervisor trait mindfulness on employee well-being and performance J Reb, J Narayanan, S Chaturvedi Mindfulness 5, 36-45, 2014 | 631* | 2014 |
Possession, feelings of ownership and the endowment effect J Reb, T Connolly Judgment and Decision making 2 (2), 107-114, 2007 | 463 | 2007 |
The structure of affect: Reconsidering the relationship between negative and positive affectivity R Cropanzano, HM Weiss, JMS Hale, J Reb Journal of management 29 (6), 831-857, 2003 | 366 | 2003 |
Mindfulness at work: Antecedents and consequences of employee awareness and absent-mindedness J Reb, J Narayanan, ZW Ho Mindfulness 6, 111-122, 2015 | 364 | 2015 |
Stereotype reactance at the bargaining table: The effect of stereotype activation and power on claiming and creating value LJ Kray, J Reb, AD Galinsky, L Thompson Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 30 (4), 399-411, 2004 | 303 | 2004 |
Regret in cancer-related decisions. T Connolly, J Reb Health Psychology 24 (4S), S29, 2005 | 259 | 2005 |
Leader mindfulness and employee performance: A sequential mediation model of LMX quality, interpersonal justice, and employee stress J Reb, S Chaturvedi, J Narayanan, RS Kudesia Journal of Business Ethics 160 (3), 745-763, 2019 | 240 | 2019 |
Ecological rationality: Fast-and-frugal heuristics for managerial decision making under uncertainty S Luan, J Reb, G Gigerenzer Academy of Management Journal 62 (6), 1735-1759, 2019 | 239 | 2019 |
Omission bias in vaccination decisions: Where’s the “omission”? Where’s the “bias”? T Connolly, J Reb Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 91 (2), 186-202, 2003 | 218 | 2003 |
Mindfulness in organizations: Foundations, research, and applications J Reb, PWB Atkins Cambridge University Press, 2015 | 213 | 2015 |
Regret aversion and decision process quality: Effects of regret salience on decision process carefulness J Reb Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 105 (2), 169-182, 2008 | 193 | 2008 |
Different wrongs, different remedies? Reactions to organizational remedies after procedural and interactional injustice J Reb, BM Goldman, LJ Kray, R Cropanzano Personnel Psychology 59 (1), 31-64, 2006 | 176 | 2006 |
The mediating role of emotional exhaustion in the relationship of mindfulness with turnover intentions and job performance J Reb, J Narayanan, S Chaturvedi, S Ekkirala Mindfulness 8, 707-716, 2017 | 162 | 2017 |
Improving decision making through mindfulness N Karelaia, J Reb Mindfulness in organizations: Foundations, research, and applications 163, 2015 | 138 | 2015 |
Procedural fairness, outcome favorability, and judgments of an authority's responsibility. J Brockner, AY Fishman, J Reb, B Goldman, S Spiegel, C Garden Journal of Applied Psychology 92 (6), 1657, 2007 | 117 | 2007 |
Evaluating dynamic performance: The influence of salient gestalt characteristics on performance ratings. J Reb, R Cropanzano Journal of Applied Psychology 92 (2), 490, 2007 | 106 | 2007 |
The Regret Elements Scale: Distinguishing the affective and cognitive components of regret J Buchanan, A Summerville, J Lehmann, J Reb Judgment and Decision making 11 (3), 275-286, 2016 | 100 | 2016 |
Smart heuristics for individuals, teams, and organizations G Gigerenzer, J Reb, S Luan Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior 9 (1 …, 2022 | 94 | 2022 |
Leading with mindfulness: Exploring the relation of mindfulness with leadership behaviors, styles, and development J Reb, S Sim, K Chintakananda, DP Bhave Mindfulness in organizations: Foundations, research, and applications 24 …, 2015 | 93 | 2015 |
Socially desirable responding: Enhancement and denial in 20 countries J He, FJR van De Vijver, A Dominguez Espinosa, A Abubakar, ... Cross-Cultural Research 49 (3), 227-249, 2015 | 90 | 2015 |