Eloy Garcia
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Cited by
Model-based event-triggered control for systems with quantization and time-varying network delays
E Garcia, PJ Antsaklis
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 58 (2), 422-434, 2012
Event-triggered communication and control of networked systems for multi-agent consensus
C Nowzari, E Garcia, J Cortés
Automatica 105, 1-27, 2019
Decentralized event-triggered consensus with general linear dynamics
E Garcia, Y Cao, DW Casbeer
Automatica 50 (10), 2633-2640, 2014
Decentralised event-triggered cooperative control with limited communication
E Garcia, Y Cao, H Yu, P Antsaklis, D Casbeer
International Journal of Control 86 (9), 1479-1488, 2013
Periodic event-triggered synchronization of linear multi-agent systems with communication delays
E Garcia, Y Cao, DW Casbeer
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 62 (1), 366-371, 2016
Model-based event-triggered control with time-varying network delays
E Garcia, PJ Antsaklis
2011 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control …, 2011
An introduction to pursuit-evasion differential games
IE Weintraub, M Pachter, E Garcia
2020 American Control Conference (ACC), 1049-1066, 2020
Multiple pursuer multiple evader differential games
E Garcia, DW Casbeer, A Von Moll, M Pachter
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 66 (5), 2345-2350, 2020
Design and analysis of state-feedback optimal strategies for the differential game of active defense
E Garcia, DW Casbeer, M Pachter
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 64 (2), 553-568, 2018
Cooperative strategies for optimal aircraft defense from an attacking missile
E Garcia, DW Casbeer, M Pachter
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 38 (8), 1510-1520, 2015
Model-based control of networked systems
E Garcia, PJ Antsaklis, LA Montestruque
Springer International Publishing, 2014
Cooperative missile guidance for active defense of air vehicles
E Garcia, DW Casbeer, ZE Fuchs, M Pachter
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 54 (2), 706-721, 2017
Active target defence differential game: fast defender case
E Garcia, DW Casbeer, M Pachter
IET Control Theory & Applications 11 (17), 2985-2993, 2017
Active target defense differential game
M Pachter, E Garcia, DW Casbeer
2014 52nd Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and …, 2014
Multiple-pursuer, single-evader border defense differential game
A Von Moll, E Garcia, D Casbeer, M Suresh, SC Swar
Journal of aerospace information systems 17 (8), 407-416, 2020
Optimal strategies for a class of multi-player reach-avoid differential games in 3d space
E Garcia, DW Casbeer, M Pachter
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 5 (3), 4257-4264, 2020
Tightly bounding the shortest dubins paths through a sequence of points
SG Manyam, S Rathinam, D Casbeer, E Garcia
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 88, 495-511, 2017
Cooperative aircraft defense from an attacking missile
E Garcia, DW Casbeer, K Pham, M Pachter
53rd IEEE conference on decision and control, 2926-2931, 2014
Active target defense using first order missile models
E Garcia, DW Casbeer, M Pachter
Automatica 78, 139-143, 2017
Cooperative control of multi-agent systems: Theory and applications
Y Wang, E Garcia, D Casbeer, F Zhang
John Wiley & Sons, 2017
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Articles 1–20