Idhamsyah Eka Putra
Idhamsyah Eka Putra
F.Psy, Persada Indonesia University & Universitas Sumatera Utara; DASPR; CSSC, University of Oxford
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Basic concepts and reasons behind the emergence of religious terror activities in Indonesia: An inside view
IE Putra, ZA Sukabdi
Asian Journal of Social Psychology 16 (2), 83-91, 2013
Can Islamic fundamentalism relate to nonviolent support? The role of certain conditions in moderating the effect of Islamic fundamentalism on supporting acts of terrorism.
IE Putra, ZA Sukabdi
Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology 20 (4), 583, 2014
The Role of Religious Fundamentalism and Tightness-Looseness in Promoting Collective Narcissism and Extreme Group Behavior
W Yustisia, IE Putra, C Kavanagh, H Whitehouse, A Rufaedah
Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 2019
Stories from Jihadists: Significance, identity, and radicalization through the call for jihad
MN Milla, IE Putra, AN Umam
Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 2019
Do counter-narratives reduce support for ISIS? Yes, but not for their target audience
JJ Bélanger, CF Nisa, BM Schumpe, T Gurmu, MJ Williams, IE Putra
Frontiers in psychology 11, 1059, 2020
Prejudice in interreligious context: The role of metaprejudice and majority–minority status
IE Putra, W Wagner
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology 27 (3), 226-239, 2017
Psikologi prasangka: Sebab, dampak, dan solusi
IE Putra, A Pitaloka
Bogor: Ghalia Indonesia, 2012
The role of ingroup and outgroup metaprejudice in predicting prejudice and identity undermining
IE Putra
Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology 20 (4), 574, 2014
The push and pull of radicalization and extremist disengagement: The application of criminological theory to Indonesian and Australian cases of radicalization
A Cherney, IE Putra, VS Putera, F Erikha, MF Magrie
Journal of Criminology, 2021
Coping with stigma and social exclusion of terror-convicts' wives in Indonesia: An interpretative phenomenological analysis
A Rufaedah, IE Putra
The Qualitative Report 23 (6), 1334-1346, 2018
Increasing integrative complexity on convicted terrorists in Indonesia
IE Putra, F Erikha, RS Arimbi, A Rufaedah
Social Psychology and Society 9 (02), 35-45, 2018
Tackling Islamic Terrorism and Radicalism in Indonesia by Increasing the Sense of Humanity and Friendship
IE Putra, DO Danamasi, A Rufaedah, RS Arimbi, S Priyanto
Handbook of Research on Examining Global Peacemaking in the Digital Age, 94-114, 2017
Denying the accusation of plagiarism: Power relations at play in dictating plagiarism as academic misconduct
IE Putra, NI Jazilah, MS Adishesa, D Al Uyun, HP Wiratraman
Higher Education, 2022
Exploring the pathways between transformative group experiences and identity fusion
C Kavanagh, R Kapitány, IE Putra, H Whitehouse
Frontiers in Psychology, 2020
Taking seriously ingroup self-evaluation, meta-prejudice, and prejudice in analyzing interreligious relations
IE Putra
The Spanish Journal of Psychology 19, E46, 2016
Is there peace within Islamic fundamentalists? When Islamic fundamentalism moderates the effect of meta-belief of friendship on positive perceptions and trust toward outgroup
IE Putra, ZA Sukabdi
Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 2018
The Socio-Psychological Predictors of Support for Post-Truth Collective Action
A Mashuri, IE Putra, C Kavanagh, E Zaduqisti, F Sukmawati, M Selviana
Journal of Social Psychology, 2021
Positive essentialization reduces prejudice: Reminding participants of a positive human nature alleviates the stigma of Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) descent
IE Putra, P Holtz, A Pitaloka, N Kronberger, N Arbiyah
Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 2018
Who is to blame, the victims or the perpetrators? A study to understand a series of violence targeting the accused heretic group Ahmadiyya.
IE Putra, P Holtz, A Rufaedah
Psychology of Religion and Spirituality 10 (2), 166, 2018
Demonising the victim: Seeking the answer for how a group as the violent victim is blamed
IE Putra, A Mashuri, E Zaduqisti
Psychology and Developing Societies 27 (1), 31-57, 2015
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