Sharon Strickland
Sharon Strickland
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Learning to observe: Using video to improve preservice mathematics teachers’ ability to notice
JR Star, SK Strickland
Journal of mathematics teacher education 11, 107-125, 2008
(Toward) Developing a Common Language for Describing Instructional Practices of Responding: A Teacher-Generated Framework
A Milewski, S Strickland
Mathematics Teacher Educator, 2016
What is mathematical literacy
JR Star, S Strickland, A Hawkins
Meeting the challenge of adolescent literacy: Research we have, research we …, 2008
Investigating preservice teachers' assessment skills: Relating aspects of teacher noticing and content knowledge for assessing student thinking in written work
N Namakshi, HK Warshauer, S Strickland, L McMahon
School science and mathematics 122 (3), 142-154, 2022
Lessons learned about incorporating high-leverage teaching practices in the undergraduate proof classroom to promote authentic and equitable participation
K Melhuish, PC Dawkins, K Lew, SK Strickland
International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education 10 …, 2024
Teaching assistants’ knowledge and beliefs related to student learning of calculus
N Speer, S Strickland, N Johnson
annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for …, 2005
Building on the work of teachers: Augmenting a functional lens to a teacher-generated framework for describing the instructional practices of responding
AM Milewski, SK Strickland
Linguistics and Education 57, 100816, 2020
Components of high-quality mathematics classrooms: Attending to learning opportunities for English language learners
MA Sorto
Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of PME-NA, 2019
Mathematics graduate students’ knowledge of undergraduate students’ strategies and difficulties: Supporting concepts for derivative
N Speer, S Strickland, N Johnson, B Gucler
9th annual conference for Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education …, 2006
A framework for identifying and classifying undergraduate student proof errors
S Strickland, B Rand
PRIMUS 26 (10), 905-921, 2016
Development of preservice teacher noticing through analysis of student work
H Warshauer, S Strickland, N Namakshi, L Hickman
Presentation at National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Research …, 2015
Profiling the use of public records of students’ mathematical thinking in 4th-8th mathematics classrooms
C Koehne, E Thanheiser, S Strickland, A Pham, R Heaton, K Melhuish
Mathematics Education Across Cultures: Proceedings of the 42nd Meeting of …, 2020
Improving undergraduates’ novice proof-writing: Investigating the use of multiple drafts
S Strickland, B Rand
Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate …, 2012
Rhyme and reason: A rhetorical, genealogical examination of undergraduate mathematics
SK Strickland
Michigan State University. Department of Curriculum, Teaching and …, 2008
Exploring the Relationship between Qualitative Lesson Scores and Quantitative Qualities of Individual Codes.
K Melhuish, A White, SK Strickland, E Wrightsman
North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of …, 2022
Profiling Productive Mathematical Teaching Moves in 4th-8th Mathematics Classrooms.
K Melhuish, SK Strickland, B Ellis, SB Han, A Pham, E Thanheiser
North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of …, 2020
Relating preservice teacher noticing with mathematical knowledge for teaching
H Warshauer, S Strickland, L Hickman, N Namakshi
Why ask why? An analysis of teachers’ why-questions in elementary and middle grade mathematics classrooms
K Melhuish, SK Strickland, S Han, MA Sorto
Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 1-27, 2024
Managing students’ non-canonical approaches to solving equations: Linguistic resources teachers use to respond to students’ mathematical work
A Brown, S Strickland, B Orly, C Daniel, P Herbst
Moves Teachers Use to Respond to Students' Non-Canonical Approaches for Solving Equations.
A Milewski, S Strickland, O Buchbinder, P Herbst, D Chazan
North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of …, 2021
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