Andrea Cavallaro
Andrea Cavallaro
Director, Idiap Research Institute; Professor, EPFL
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Omni-scale feature learning for person re-identification
K Zhou, Y Yang, A Cavallaro, T Xiang
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision …, 2019
Automatic analysis of facial affect: A survey of registration, representation, and recognition
E Sariyanidi, H Gunes, A Cavallaro
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 37 (6), 1113-1133, 2014
Cast shadow segmentation using invariant color features
E Salvador, A Cavallaro, T Ebrahimi
Computer vision and image understanding 95 (2), 238-259, 2004
Video tracking: theory and practice
E Maggio, A Cavallaro
John Wiley & Sons, 2011
Shadow identification and classification using invariant color models
E Salvador, A Cavallaro, T Ebrahimi
2001 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 2001
Multi-camera networks: principles and applications
H Aghajan, A Cavallaro
Academic press, 2009
Online multi-target tracking with strong and weak detections
R Sanchez-Matilla, F Poiesi, A Cavallaro
Computer Vision–ECCV 2016 Workshops: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 8 …, 2016
Learning generalisable omni-scale representations for person re-identification
K Zhou, Y Yang, A Cavallaro, T Xiang
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 44 (9), 5056-5069, 2021
Video-based human behavior understanding: A survey
PVK Borges, N Conci, A Cavallaro
IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology 23 (11), 1993 …, 2013
Hybrid particle filter and mean shift tracker with adaptive transition model
E Maggio, A Cavallaro
Proceedings.(ICASSP'05). IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech …, 2005
Mobile sensor data anonymization
M Malekzadeh, RG Clegg, A Cavallaro, H Haddadi
Proceedings of the international conference on internet of things design and …, 2019
Efficient multitarget visual tracking using random finite sets
E Maggio, M Taj, A Cavallaro
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 18 (8), 1016-1027, 2008
Cooperative robots to observe moving targets
A Khan, B Rinner, A Cavallaro
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 48 (1), 187-198, 2016
Protecting sensory data against sensitive inferences
M Malekzadeh, RG Clegg, A Cavallaro, H Haddadi
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Privacy by Design in Distributed Systems, 1-6, 2018
Adaptive appearance modeling for video tracking: Survey and evaluation
S Salti, A Cavallaro, L Di Stefano
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 21 (10), 4334-4348, 2012
Tracking video objects in cluttered background
A Cavallaro, O Steiger, T Ebrahimi
IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology 15 (4), 575-584, 2005
3-D face detection, landmark localization, and registration using a point distribution model
P Nair, A Cavallaro
IEEE Transactions on multimedia 11 (4), 611-623, 2009
Darknetz: towards model privacy at the edge using trusted execution environments
F Mo, AS Shamsabadi, K Katevas, S Demetriou, I Leontiadis, A Cavallaro, ...
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Mobile Systems …, 2020
Distributed and decentralized multicamera tracking
M Taj, A Cavallaro
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 28 (3), 46-58, 2011
Multifeature object trajectory clustering for video analysis
N Anjum, A Cavallaro
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 18 (11), 1555 …, 2008
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