Finding an optimal LEGO® brick layout of voxelized 3D object using a genetic algorithm S Lee, J Kim, JW Kim, BR Moon Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary …, 2015 | 23 | 2015 |
Measuring source code similarity by finding similar subgraph with an incremental genetic algorithm J Kim, HG Choi, H Yun, BR Moon Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2016, 925-932, 2016 | 22 | 2016 |
A hybrid incremental genetic algorithm for subgraph isomorphism problem HG Choi, JH Kim, BR Moon Proceedings of the 2014 Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary …, 2014 | 10 | 2014 |
New malware detection system using metric-based method and hybrid genetic algorithm J Kim, BR Moon Proceedings of the 14th annual conference companion on Genetic and …, 2012 | 10 | 2012 |
A CAPTCHA-like implicit authentication model for smart TV based on machine learning algorithms J Kim, G Park, JO Kwon, EA Cho 2018 IEEE international conference on consumer electronics (ICCE), 1-2, 2018 | 8 | 2018 |
A genetic algorithm for linear ordering problem using an approximate fitness evaluation J Kim, BR Moon Proceedings Of The Companion Publication Of The 2014 Annual Conference On …, 2014 | 5 | 2014 |
Disguised malware script detection system using hybrid genetic algorithm J Kim, BR Moon Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 182-187, 2013 | 4 | 2013 |
Solving maximum cut problem with an incremental genetic algorithm J Kim, Y Yoon, BR Moon Proceedings of the 2016 on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference …, 2016 | 1 | 2016 |
n 차원 구면상에서의 실수 코딩 유전 알고리즘 김진현, 문병로 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 37 (1A), 125-129, 2010 | | 2010 |