Ching-Hsiang Hsu
Cited by
Cited by
Resolution-Exact Planner for Thick Non-Crossing 2-Link Robots
CK Yap, CH Hsu, Z Luo
12th Int'l Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR), 2016
Rods and Rings: Soft Subdivision Planner for R^ 3 x S^ 2
CH Hsu, YJ Chiang, C Yap
arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.09416, 2019
Soft Subdivision Planner for a Rod
CH Hsu, YJ Chiang, CK Yap
Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry (FWCG), 2016
Path Planning for Simple Robots using Soft Subdivision Search
CH Hsu, JP Ryan, CK Yap
Multimedia Exposition. Proc. 32nd International Symposium on Computational …, 2016
Social Action Recognition in Egocentric RGB-D Videos
CH Hsu, KH Lu, Z Zhong, CC Wang
Proceedings of the 27th IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and …, 2014
Graph-cut based Motion Segmentation with Physical Support Relationships in Crowded Urban Areas from a Moving RGB-D Camera
CH Hsu
National Taiwan University Thesis Press, 2014
Rods and Rings: Soft Subdivision Planner for
CH Hsu, YJ Chiang, C Yap
R3, 0
Rods and Rings: Soft Subdivision Planner for R 3 χ S2
CH Hsu, YJ Chiang, C Yap
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Articles 1–8