Matthew Rutherford
Matthew Rutherford
Professor, Jonny D. Pope Chair, Entrepreneurship, Oklahoma State University
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An empirical investigation of the growth cycle theory of small firm financing
BT Gregory, MW Rutherford, S Oswald, L Gardiner
Journal of small business management 43 (4), 382-392, 2005
Examining the link between “familiness” and performance: Can the F–PEC untangle the family business theory jungle?
MW Rutherford, DF Kuratko, DT Holt
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 32 (6), 1089-1109, 2008
Exploring the relation between family involvement and firms' financial performance: A meta-analysis of main and moderator effects
EH O'Boyle Jr, JM Pollack, MW Rutherford
Journal of Business venturing 27 (1), 1-18, 2012
Human resource management problems over the life cycle of small to medium‐sized firms
MW Rutherford, PF Buller, PR McMullen
Human Resource Management: Published in Cooperation with the School of …, 2003
Preparedness and cognitive legitimacy as antecedents of new venture funding in televised business pitches
JM Pollack, MW Rutherford, BG Nagy
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 36 (5), 915-939, 2012
Corporate entrepreneurship: An empirical look at the innovativeness dimension and its antecedents
MW Rutherford, DT Holt
Journal of organizational change Management 20 (3), 429-446, 2007
Corporate entrepreneurship: An empirical look at individual characteristics, context, and process
DT Holt, MW Rutherford, GR Clohessy
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 13 (4), 40-54, 2007
The influence of entrepreneurs’ credentials and impression management behaviors on perceptions of new venture legitimacy
BG Nagy, JM Pollack, MW Rutherford, FT Lohrke
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 36 (5), 941-965, 2012
Advancing the field of family business research: Further testing the measurement properties of the F-PEC
DT Holt, MW Rutherford, DF Kuratko
Family Business Review 23 (1), 76-88, 2010
A new perspective on the developmental model for family business
MW Rutherford, LA Muse, SL Oswald
Family business review 19 (4), 317-333, 2006
The intersection of family firms and institutional contexts: A review and agenda for future research
S Soleimanof, MW Rutherford, JW Webb
Family Business Review 31 (1), 32-53, 2018
The influence of large stake family control on performance: Is it agency or entrenchment?
SL Oswald, LA Muse, MW Rutherford
Journal of Small Business Management 47 (1), 116-135, 2009
Searching for the legitimacy threshold
MW Rutherford, PF Buller
Journal of Management Inquiry 16 (1), 78-92, 2007
Ethical considerations of the legitimacy lie
MW Rutherford, PF Buller, JM Stebbins
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 33 (4), 949-964, 2009
Examining the relation between ethical focus and financial performance in family firms: An exploratory study
EH O'Boyle Jr, MW Rutherford, JM Pollack
Family Business Review 23 (4), 310-326, 2010
Perceived acute human resource management problems in small and medium firms: an empirical examination
N Tocher, MW Rutherford
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 33 (2), 455-479, 2009
Family social capital in the family firm: A taxonomic classification, relationships with outcomes, and directions for advancement
P Sanchez-Ruiz, JJ Daspit, DT Holt, MW Rutherford
Family Business Review 32 (2), 131-153, 2019
Commitment to employees: does it help or hinder small business performance?
LA Muse, MW Rutherford, SL Oswald, JE Raymond
Small Business Economics 24, 97-111, 2005
Examining the issue of size and the small business: A self organizing map approach
MW Rutherford, P McMullen, S Oswald
The Journal of Business and Economic Studies 7 (2), 64-81, 2001
An archival approach to measuring family influence: An organizational identity perspective
AH Anglin, SW Reid, JC Short, MA Zachary, MW Rutherford
Family Business Review 30 (1), 19-36, 2017
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Articles 1–20