Ljiljana Trajkovic
Cited by
Cited by
Distributed denial of service attacks
F Lau, SH Rubin, MH Smith, L Trajkovic
Smc 2000 conference proceedings. 2000 ieee international conference on …, 2000
Artificial parameter homotopy methods for the DC operating point problem
RC Melville, L Trajkovic, SC Fang, LT Watson
IEEE transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and …, 1993
Virtual network embedding via Monte Carlo tree search
S Haeri, L Trajković
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 48 (2), 510-521, 2017
Impact of self-similarity on wireless data network performance
M Jiang, M Nikolic, S Hardy, L Trajkovic
ICC 2001. IEEE International Conference on Communications. Conference Record …, 2001
Congestion control for multimedia services
L Trajkovic, SJ Golestani
IEEE network 6 (5), 20-26, 1992
Machine learning techniques for classifying network anomalies and intrusions
Z Li, ALG Rios, G Xu, L Trajković
2019 IEEE international symposium on circuits and systems (ISCAS), 1-5, 2019
Brain-inspired systems: A transdisciplinary exploration on cognitive cybernetics, humanity, and systems science toward autonomous artificial intelligence
Y Wang, S Kwong, H Leung, J Lu, MH Smith, L Trajkovic, E Tunstel, ...
IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Magazine 6 (1), 6-13, 2020
Modeling and characterization of traffic in public safety wireless networks
B Vujičić, N Cackov, S Vujičić, L Trajković
Proc. SPECTS, 1-10, 2005
A generalization of Brayton-Moser's mixed potential function
L Weiss, W Mathis, L Trajkovic
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and …, 1998
Analysis of public safety traffic on trunked land mobile radio systems
DS Sharp, N Cackov, N Laskovic, Q Shao, L Trajkovic
IEEE Journal on selected areas in Communications 22 (7), 1197-1205, 2004
Passivity and no-gain properties establish global convergence of a homotopy method for DC operating points
L Trajkovic, RC Melville, SC Fang
1990 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 914-917, 1990
Machine learning models for classification of BGP anomalies
NM Al-Rousan, L Trajković
2012 IEEE 13th International Conference on High Performance Switching and …, 2012
KASER: knowledge amplification by structured expert randomization
SH Rubin, SNJ Murthy, MH Smith, L Trajkovic
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 34 …, 2004
Towards a theoretical framework of autonomous systems underpinned by intelligence and systems sciences
Y Wang, M Hou, KN Plataniotis, S Kwong, H Leung, E Tunstel, IJ Rudas, ...
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica 8 (1), 52-63, 2020
Streaming video content over IEEE 802.16/WiMAX broadband access
W Hrudey, L Trajkovic
OPNETWORK 2008, 2008
Detecting BGP anomalies using machine learning techniques
Q Ding, Z Li, P Batta, L Trajković
2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC …, 2016
On the philosophical, cognitive and mathematical foundations of symbiotic autonomous systems
Y Wang, F Karray, S Kwong, KN Plataniotis, H Leung, M Hou, E Tunstel, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 379 (2207), 20200362, 2021
Simulation and analysis of packet loss in user datagram protocol transfers
V Markovski, F Xue, L Trajković
The Journal of Supercomputing 20, 175-196, 2001
Finding DC operating points of transistor circuits using homotopy methods
L Trajkovic, RC Melville, SC Fang
1991 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 758-761, 1991
Analysis and simulation of simple transistor structures exhibiting negative differential resistance
F Shoucair, L Trajkovic
EECS Department, UC Berkeley, Berkeley CA,(4 pages), 1999
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Articles 1–20