Salah Eddine Elayoubi
Salah Eddine Elayoubi
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Performance evaluation of frequency planning schemes in OFDMA-based networks
SE Elayoubi, O Ben Haddada, B Fourestie
Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on 7 (5), 1623-1633, 2008
Optimal control of wake up mechanisms of femtocells in heterogeneous networks
L Saker, SE Elayoubi, R Combes, T Chahed
Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on 30 (3), 664-672, 2012
5G RAN slicing for verticals: Enablers and challenges
SE Elayoubi, SB Jemaa, Z Altman, A Galindo-Serrano
IEEE Communications Magazine 57 (1), 28-34, 2019
5G radio access network architecture: Design guidelines and key considerations
P Marsch, I Da Silva, O Bulakci, M Tesanovic, SE El Ayoubi, T Rosowski, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 54 (11), 24-32, 2016
Adaptive filtering for ECG rejection from surface EMG recordings
C Marque, C Bisch, R Dantas, S Elayoubi, V Brosse, C Perot
Journal of electromyography and kinesiology 15 (3), 310-315, 2005
Minimizing energy consumption via sleep mode in green base station
L Saker, SE Elayoubi, T Chahed
Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2010 IEEE, 1-6, 2010
5G service requirements and operational use cases: Analysis and METIS II vision
SE Elayoubi, M Fallgren, P Spapis, G Zimmermann, D Martín-Sacristán, ...
2016 European conference on networks and communications (EuCNC), 158-162, 2016
Radio resource allocation and retransmission schemes for URLLC over 5G networks
SE Elayoubi, P Brown, M Deghel, A Galindo-Serrano
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 37 (4), 896-904, 2019
Analytical analysis of the coverage of a MBSFN OFDMA network
L Rong, O Ben Haddada, SE Elayoubi
Global Telecommunications Conference, 2008. IEEE GLOBECOM 2008. IEEE, 1-5, 2008
Optimal control for base station sleep mode in energy efficient radio access networks
SE Elayoubi, L Saker, T Chahed
INFOCOM, 2011 Proceedings IEEE, 106-110, 2011
Performance and cost effectiveness of caching in mobile access networks
SE Elayoubi, J Roberts
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking, 79-88, 2015
A hybrid approach for radio resource management in heterogeneous cognitive networks
M Haddad, SE Elayoubi, E Altman, Z Altman
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 29 (4), 831-842, 2011
Sleep mode implementation issues in green base stations
L Saker, SE Elayoubi
Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2010 IEEE 21st …, 2010
5G PPP use cases and performance evaluation models
M Maternia, SE El Ayoubi, M Fallgren, P Spapis, Y Qi, D Martín-Sacristán, ...
5G-PPP, Tech. Rep, 2016
Performance evaluation of cellular networks offering TV services
L Rong, SE Elayoubi, OB Haddada
Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on 60 (2), 644-655, 2011
Analysis of buffer starvation with application to objective QoE optimization of streaming services
Y Xu, E Altman, R El-Azouzi, M Haddad, S Elayoubi, T Jimenez
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 16 (3), 813-827, 2014
Impact of flow-level dynamics on QoE of video streaming in wireless networks
Y Xu, SE Elayoubi, E Altman, R El-Azouzi
2013 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, 2715-2723, 2013
A hybrid decision approach for the association problem in heterogeneous networks
SE Elayoubi, E Altman, M Haddad, Z Altman
INFOCOM, 2010 Proceedings IEEE, 1-5, 2010
Centralize or distribute? A techno-economic study to design a low-cost cloud radio access network
X Wang, L Wang, SE Elayoubi, A Conte, B Mukherjee, C Cavdar
2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-7, 2017
System selection and sleep mode for energy saving in cooperative 2G/3G networks
L Saker, SE Elayoubi, HO Scheck
Vehicular Technology Conference Fall (VTC 2009-Fall), 2009 IEEE 70th, 1-5, 2009
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Articles 1–20